What's your New Year's resolution?


Black Sheep 1

OK to it's almost time for the "End of days" if you believe the Mayan calendars.
So what's your new year's resolution?

Mine is to actually finish a kit! ???, build more models and not worry about the haters on "certain" modeling sites.
Also, make more videos (just to annoy the haters) ;D
Oh yeah, and to stop buying so many models! :eek:

So what about you guys?
For me I simply want to make an honest effort to finish 2012 better than I started. By that I mean better health, finances, relationships and model/hobby related too.
Haven't taught about it but number one on the list is get back to work before I deplete my savings
I'll rob bits and pieces of yours.......both!

2011 where did it go? All I have to account for is my M1A2 from last spring!
Everything else....? Died in the Egg! Suffering from M.A.D.D. Sux.
"Modeler's Attention Deficit Disorder" Is expensive and you get nothing in return!

I hope tha 2012 is better for everyone around the world! everybody! SMA is Global right?

Oh yah ! Happy new year! for those of you 9 or 10 hrs ahead of Us!
Hmmmmm ,

Well ...
More bench time , Healthy , Def. Wealthier than I am now .... Make more Modeling Friends across this Great Planet of Ours !!

HAPPY NEW YEAR SMA Universe .... What a Ride .... look how far you've come in just 12 months ..... With another trip around th sun yet to start .... Let's All pull up a chair & scrape some Plastic !!

I would like to say that one of th biggest Highlights of th Year was being able to interview MIG for the SMA news at th AMPS Nationals in Fredericksburg, V.A. back in April !! a Huge Thanx goes to MIG Jimenez & to IAIN Hamilton for making it posible !!

Happy Birthday World !!

Al Anderson, Trip Around The Sun


CHEERS to SMA being Bigger & better Next Year !!
To get my house in order and a man cave set up for model building. Right now, it is all done at a desk in my bedroom.
To look more positive in 2012

to finish a A/C model!!

not to haul kits that I can't build...

lastly to fill in my bucket list... hopefully that will push thru this year ;D
Mine for the last several years is to....
Not make any resolutions. By the end of the first week, I've usually forgotten most of them anyway
To get a model -any model- finished. It's been such a long time. :-[ Need to get my backside out to the workshop more often! ;D Would like to take some new build to shows and contests this year like NNL East. Hope to have new experiences this year like attend Autorama in Detroit or IPMS show in Montreal. Have a new dehydrator and Paasche H to try out. Not resolutions per se but aspirations?
There MIGHT be a swear or 2, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

New Years Resolutions. Fate, or fight?

And, for what its worth. Ive booked 2 studio days to start making my own tracks again.........

So im taking it seriously!

Id like to add, that I want to make some headway in to my 1/350 Enterprise too!

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