Don't sell yourself short on Tamiya. Tamiya kits are fantastic "shake and bake" kits. I've built several Tamiya kits. They practically build themselves.
Stay away from Italeri kits! They're pure garbage. Everything is wrong scale wise and nothing fits nor looks right. I did a Viper kit and the belly tank was too big and didn't fit right. Gets in the way with nose gear door. I'm sorry I even built that POS of a kit. Don't believe me? Ask around in other forums. They'll tell you the same thing.
The Revell A-10 Warthog isn't too bad. Definitely a big bird once completed. The only downside with the Revell kit is there's not much choices for armaments in their kits.
I'd get either the Tamiya, Academy, or HobbyBoss kit. Do stay away from Italeri. You'll thank me later.