Wws pro box


Oct 5, 2022
Hi have recently purchased a wws Pro static grass box. Have to say its a good piece of equipment but! Also have to say every time I use it I get a shock. Does anybody else have one and is it the same for you. Is there anyway of minimising this. Cheers Trev
I don't own one but where / when are you getting shocked ?
Keep your hands away from the metal strainer end . You don't want to charge yourself up , just the fake grass . ;)
Hi urumomo there is just a lead with a clip on the end and iam not complaining really as it's a brilliant thing for making grass tufts and trees but lead is quite flexible so iam tending to hold the lead a bit closer than I should so I have better control so just wondering if there is anyway of compensating for this cheers Trev
Is it an alligator clip at the end of an insulated wire ?
Does the alligator have an insulator around it ?

You can clip the alligator onto a longer piece of bare wire to extent the probe so your hand is farther away ,
Or wear gloves .
Hi yes was thinking of getting some rubber gloves and putting a good layer of insulation tape around wire I know voltage is not that high but have a heart condition so have to be a little careful cheers Trev
Voltage is very high .
Those circuits develop anywhere from 2 to 15 kilovolts of potential . They have low capacitance so power is low enough not to kill you . ;)
Those cheapo electric flyswatters that people use to make homemade versions with use a 2 to 3 kilovolt capacitor but those commercial static grass applicators are always stronger .
Some have enough potential that you don't even need to touch the substrate you're applying the grass to with the ground end -- just have it close enough .

You can do as you say and use a longer , insulated wire on the ground leg with just the last 1/2 inch of wire exposed .

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