Yamato 2199 1/72 Cosmo Falcon and Cosmo Zero


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2011
I really been digging the Yamato 2199 designs, although admittedly I've only just yesterday actually seen the first episode or the redone 2199 series. I used to watch the old americanized Star Blazers series as a kid back in the late 70s/early eighties and always had nostalgia for the tech in the show

So as a christmas/birthday present for myself I got all 4 variants

I started with Kato's Falcon. I still have to add the rest of the decals after I get some gloss goat down to avoid the silvering effect. I only added a few where it would not make much of a difference

I had fit problems with the white nose parts and the white parts around the cockpit. I can't seem to get them to sit right and there is a noticeable gap/bump between them and the grey area

I'll admit some of the fit problems are probably due to painting the parts before assembly and assembling things out of order. For example I found that some parts that absolutely should have gone on before others on first (like the white parts at the sides of the engine burners before putting on the wings)

I'm considering this a trial run since I am not really satisfied with everything. I'm tempted to give this one away (maybe to my brother) and pick up another one, or maybe just get a second one and convert this one to display in landing gear mode

I tried not to go overboard with really dark panel lines as I prefer the more subtle look, but it's hard in some spots like the leading edge of the wing since the are separate pieces.

I think for the next one I will do all assembly, fill the gaps and then just deal with having to mask off the areas. Although it was convenient to be able to paint the different color areas separately before assembly without masking






And here it is next to another famous franchise's 1/72 subject Very Happy

Next I will be starting on Yamamoto's Cosmo Zero and Shinohara's Falcon

I've got the cockpit's painted


Looks pretty sharp from this viewpoint.
Nice comparison with that 'other' ship
That is a very cool looking kit. I really like that design. Nice dose of nostalgia. ;D Hmmm.... I've been itching to get the 1/500 Yamato 2199.... ;)
If you've only just started watching the series you're in for a real treat!
I've got the first season and the movie (which came out after but is set before the season finale) and have watched them many times

You'll want to make the capital ships soon!

Anyway, your build is amazing! I love the wathering- particularly at the exhaust vents
Really professional work- you say you're not satisfied with the build- I say it looks like it could grace a model magazine cover!

I see you're a Star Wars fan so I'll pitch an idea at you: build the Cozmo Zero in X-Wing colors
It's never been done to my knowledge and I think it'd kick arse. Add Rebel Alliance markings and emblem decals. Maybe an astromech or X-Wing cannons...
Just an idea- but I really think you could pull it off.
Thanks guys

I am amazed at how well done the 2199 series is. It's pretty much the exact same story as the original show I remember as a kid, but so much better looking and very cinematic at times.

As far as the captial ships, yeah I am sucked in

I've got the 1/500 2199 Yamato in the stash along with the hangar bay detail set
Sweet! Looking forward to seeing you tackle the Yamato!

The new series really fixes and explains a LOT that the old series left out- like how the Wave Motion Cannon is actually a perversion of the ship's FTL drive- essentialy warping space as a weapon instead of for propulsion.
2199 also does a great job of making the Gamilas into believable characters- several are noble military officers bound by duty (though some are evil creeps).
There's some great new characters too that really flesh out the crew

Wait till you see what the Gamilas fighters can do- you'll be building those for sure!
Jason Abbadon said:
Wait till you see what the Gamilas fighters can do- you'll be building those for sure!

Is there any other 1/72 scale stuff?

Also, didn't Fine Molds make some Yamato stuff based on one of the creators designs, but they couldn't label it as Yamato due to licensing?
Actually I found them. This one looks like Kodai's(?) ship in the first episode, just painted differently. Also it supposedly is 1/500 so it should be in scale with the Yamato


and this as well


so I am calling the Alpha 2 done now (ok, maybe a few pastel tweaks and the rest of the armament Smile )





Here are the Zero and the Falcon together


I've never seen these before, very cool designs. Great work on the builds!
thanks guys

I finished the pilots. A little rougher than I'd like, but at less than 1" size it's hard for me to get smooth paint when zoomed in that much.

and they met some friends along the way. (these are the Bandai 1/72 ones from the Y-wing and T-70)
thanks guys

Here they are with the ships, sorry its a bit blurry. Hard to get that depth of field and keep everything in focus. I should try the image stacking technique
