ULTRASEVEN X Reimagined Episode 3 Part 2
At the hospital, Jin looks on as K is in a hospital room with his cousin. Elea stands next to Jin, and grabs his hand. Jin looks at her, surprised. Suddenly Elea gasps. K opens the door, yelling for help. His cousin is convulsing. Nurses rush in with medical items. The doctor runs in with them.
After a few minutes the doctor comes out saying he is stabilized. He tells them that the CAT scan showed something absolutely bizarre. K asks what it is. The doctor tells him that the cousin's brain has shrunk by 5%. He also notes that he has discovered that his digestive system has lost 20% of its ability to absorb nutrients. Elea says that its as if something has been leeching his energy and damaging his ability to generate energy.
Having gotten the cousin's key, K decides they will stay at his apartment. They get back. As they get out of the car they see a fight happening between a couple teenaged kids over a backpack. Jin runs over to break it up. They discover the kids are fighting over the bag because it is filled with money. K breaks up the fight by threatening to shoort them and the kids run.
Jin checks out the bag, and finds a card. Its the same card Tamaru gave him that morning. K finds his cousin's cellphone inside, proving it belonga to him. Elea says there must be a connection. Jin thinks that its a coincidence, K then finds a note to his cousin saying that since he worked extra hard this past week he got a 30% raise. The note writer says he feels sorry for someone so hopeless. The use of that word triggers Ji 's memory, and he realizes there IS a connection.
Jin decides that he will go undercover to Tamaru's business and find out what is going on there. Elea wants to join him. K says he will as well. Jin calls the number on the card.
Tamaru almost immediately answers. He is delighted that Jin changed his mind. Jin tells him he has two friends coming with him. Tamaru says the more's the merrier. As long as they are willing to work he is willing to pay. He give Jin the address of his factory and tells him to be there at 11PM.
Jin, Elea and K, having changed clothes to appear like loser college kids(though not fully convincingly) arrive at the location. There is a large group of kids and adults waiting at the gate of the facility where two guards are waiting to let them in. A buzzer sounds, and the gates open.
As the kids show badges to go in, the guards stop Jin and Co. He shows them the card from K's cousin's backpack and says he and his friends are suposed to start tonight. He is asked his name and he say Ryu Takagawa. The guard checks the name on a tablet, nods and says they can go in to the breakroom at the end of the hallway past the gates. Orientation is in 10 minutes and not to leave the breakroom until then. Jin smiles and nods.
Jin and co. Follow the group. Elea notices a door as they walk that appears to be a boardroom. She catches a glimpse of kids wearing headbands. She points it out to Jin and K. They come to an intersection in the hallways and duck into the opossing hallway. They wander around till finding another room like Elea saw. Looking about to make sure nobody sees them they enter the room.
They discover twenty kids and adults, headbands on. The headbands are connected to a strange device in the middle of the table. The device is clearly an alien construct, and is slowly pulsing a greenish blue light. K says its an alien device... But doing what? Elea looks quickly over the device and deduces it must be generating some sort of radiation. Jin uses the scanner on his armband to determine that it is generating radiation but is also sending a signal directly to the brain.
Elea says its some kind of mind control device. K asks how she made that leap, and she just looks between him and Jin. Jin believes her, and starts ripp the headbands off the people. Elea and K follow suit. Jin tries to get the people to come out of their stupor and leave but they fight them, saying they need the pay. Elea and K decide to go shut down the power.
As they leave, Tamaru appears, not happy. He says that he was afraid someone would start snooping, but he didn't think it would happen so fast, Not even a month into the project. Jin demands to know what he is doing. Elea and K try to leave, but Tamaru pulls a laser pistol and shoots at them. Jin dives at Tamaru, giving K and Elea the chance to run.
Tamaru kicks him away, revealing much greater strength than he should have. Jin slams aaginst the wall. Tamaru sighs, and says he had hoped to simply conduct his business on Earth, get paid and leave. His skin starts to split, and it bursts into chunks, falling to the floor.
He is revealed to be an insect like creaturewith four compound eyes on his head and small wings on his bag. He has three claws on each hand, and has weird boots on that seem to be fused to his exoskeleton. Jin stands, and pulls out the Ultra Eye. He transforms to Ultraseven at human size.
Tamaru nods, saying, "I was worried you might decide to stick your nose in to my business Red Giant." Seven demands to know what he is doing to those people. Instead of replying he charges at him. They trade a few blows, and Seven gets him by the throat and throws him through a wall. Tamaru gets to his feet and shoots his guns. Ultraseven flips away from the blasts, and they blow a hole in the wall behind him. Tamaru curses, and flies down the hallway. Seven says, "Oh, no you don't." And flies after him.
K and Elea find a power room. As they are about to shut off the power, workers and guards come at them. K and Elea pull their guns and aim at the group. K tells them Tamaru is killing them, not only working them to death but doing something to the people testing his "game system". The group chatters, and a guard says that they don't care.
They all needed the jobs and money because they were in dire straights. They need to survive. Elea says that they are fools. They are risking their lives and causing truama to their loved ones. The group starts towards them, but Elea shoots one in the leg. He screams and drops, holding his leg. The others grab him. K says to get the hell out, NOW! They both shoot at the flooor just in front of the group, and they run off, carrying the injured man.
Elea then spins and shoots the power panels, cutting off the power. As emergency lights come on, K says that she was a bit harsh. Elea, head lowered says softly that she had no choice. She runs out. K follows her.
Tamaru flies out of the building, into the bacl lot, Seven in hot pursuit. Tamaru lands. Ultraseven lands a short distance from him. Seven again demands to know what he is doing to those people. Tamaru laughs, and says he is developing a mind control device to be used for an invasion. He is still working out the kinks.
"Anyhow," he says as he looks about, "We can settle this here. I don't want the prototypes to get damaged." Seven steps foward, saying "You-" but Tamaru fires his gun. Seven flips to the side, and the blasts hit the base of a eletrical tower behind him, weakening the legs. Seven flies up to a platform on the tower as Tamaru fires again. Tamaru's gun is out of power. He curses, and tosses it. Seven leaps at him from the platform as Tamaru fires lasers from his eyes. Seven ktackles him. The tower creaks.
Seven punches him a couple times, but Tamaru fires his eye beams point blank at Seven's chest. Seven shouts out and flies back. Tamaru jumps to his feet and charges him. They trade a few more blows, until Seven double punches him in the chest, then sidekicks him, knocking him back ten or so feet.
Tamaru leaps up in the air at him, and Seven follows suit, kicking him in the stomach. Tamaru collaspes, exhausted. Seven starts to walk to him, when the tower falls in their direction. Seven leaps away, but Tamaru is still getting to his feet. He is hit by the falling tower. Critically injured, he gasps and tries to get out. Seven realizes he will die.
He prepares to launch the Blade Slugger. Tamaru wheezes, "Wait! The client who... Contacted... Me to make the... Device... Th-they were human! A-and they work for your government!!" Seven quietly says "Thank you." He fires the blade Slugger, and it slams into Tamaru, killing him. Seven turns away, then flies off.
Jin and Elea are sitting in K's car. He is standing in front of a house, hugging what are apparently family members. He walks to the car. He gets in and tells them that its all arranged. They have gotten the therapy and nurses to help care for his cousin. Jin asks if he will be back to normal.
Elea sadly states that while he will be far from a vegatable, he will still have mental problems for the rest of his life. K agrees, and says that he wants to come back here as soon as their business is finished to soend time with him. He clearly is upset. Jin and Elea put their hands on his shoulders. He chokes out a thanks. Calming down, he says they'd better go.
As they drive off they don't notice a tv drone hovering nearby, and we suddenly cut to the distorted view of someone watching a live feed from the drone as it watches K's car drive off.