What do you do with finished builds?


New Member
Jan 27, 2023
Just curious, what do you do with all your finished planes, kits, etc? I imagine a display case perhaps but,
it seems like after awhile you could have quite a few.

I work on my kits in the basement and that's my space. Displaying my models in upstairs wouldn't work too well with the family. LOL

I am getting back into the hobby, last time building was as a kid.

Just curious, what do you do with all your finished planes, kits, etc? I imagine a display case perhaps but,
it seems like after awhile you could have quite a few.

I work on my kits in the basement and that's my space. Displaying my models in upstairs wouldn't work too well with the family. LOL

I am getting back into the hobby, last time building was as a kid.

Hi, only been building a year and try to do 4-6 models a year. Mainly german armour. I have given a few to friends with grandkids so I'm left with 4 on a display shelf on my bench.

I suppose I will just box up some until I gain some space to do them justice.


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I have very little display space, so most of my finished builds go into storage.
I some airplanes hanging over my bench, and a couple others out on tables and other horizontal surfaces.
Also, our local modeling club meets at a local borough hall (municipal offices). They let us set up some display cases, and so a couple more of my builds are there, along with builds from the rest of the guys.
I only started back into this hobby early last year so at the moment I only have 7 finished armor projects. I keep them on a display shelf as I like looking at them.

I am starting to run out of display space.

I had been adding shelving as well as condensing pace in display, but this is a question I will have to address sooner vs later

I was thinking I would probably rotate out stuff possibly as well as removing "duplicates"

i.e. I don't need to see both 1/72, 1/48 X-wings and likewise I do not need to display both Bandai and Fine Molds Tie Fighter and Vader tie fighters in the same scale (1/72) either so pick the best one and leave that out

Rotating stuff might simply be by subject

For example if working on lots of military stuff, I might break out past build and put away the Star Wars stuff for a while

Another option is simply passing stuff on by either selling it or giving it away to family and friends who might be interested

Often you will make much on selling completed kits unless you can find a collector interested in that particular subject who does not build themselves, unless they are rare, or museum prop quality with all the bells and whistles added as most people interested in buying kits are going to want to build it themselves

My nephew is a good candidate for all my old Warhammer stuff and he also like WWII models
Only 4 - 6 kits a year???? Amateur.....

I built 15 last year.:cool: LOL!
Budget and space are my enemies, also my boss may dislike me assembling a turret during a client meeting!

I would be more than happy if you feel like you wanted to sponsor me to bring my production rate up by a factor of 3. Ha ha.

I do enjoy this hobby so very much and to be honest, I would be quite happy just tinkering about at the bench all day. We can all dream I suppose.
Just curious, what do you do with all your finished planes, kits, etc? I imagine a display case perhaps but,
it seems like after awhile you could have quite a few.

I work on my kits in the basement and that's my space. Displaying my models in upstairs wouldn't work too well with the family. LOL

I am getting back into the hobby, last time building was as a kid.

I've been on a reprieve from building for about a year maybe a bit longer and getting back to it with aircraft and I am wondering the same thing. Where will I put them once the shelf space is gone. I'll probably just display my favorites and lose the others. I have photos of them anyway so that is probably the best storage.
I cannot imagine not having my finished projects on display. For me, the construction of the kit and the making of a suitable vignette where it can rest is just a part of it. I want to build up a collection so to speak of armored vehicles. I am a collector by nature so that plays a big part in this hobby. Many years ago I used to collect militaria and I had quite a display of German items including badges, uniforms, helmets, medals, you name it, I had it. Alas and due entirely to funding those days are long gone but the desire to collect has not. So far my collection of model tanks is small but I have a vision of one day walking into my little work room and seeing it filled with vignettes of the worlds AFV's. Sounds a bit corny I know but that is me. Oh yeah....I also buy (and read) books relating to tanks and tank men so I guess I collect those as well.

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I keep most of my models in a display cabinet located in the entry to my house.

Display Cabinet - Models by Steve J, on Flickr

i have a couple of Irwin Allen subjects on the top shelf but most of my collection is Star Trek related,

Display Cabinet - Top Shelves - Iconic Vehicles by Steve J, on Flickr

Upstairs in my office area I have a small glass IKEA cabinet with various other sci-fi models.
I also have some shelves over my garage workbench.

Garage Shelf Models by Steve J, on Flickr

I could still use more space though.
I keep most of my models in a display cabinet located in the entry to my house.

View attachment 96880
Display Cabinet - Models by Steve J, on Flickr

i have a couple of Irwin Allen subjects on the top shelf but most of my collection is Star Trek related,

View attachment 96881
Display Cabinet - Top Shelves - Iconic Vehicles by Steve J, on Flickr

Upstairs in my office area I have a small glass IKEA cabinet with various other sci-fi models.
I also have some shelves over my garage workbench.

View attachment 96882
Garage Shelf Models by Steve J, on Flickr

I could still use more space though.
Wow, that's some collection. Nice
I have some space that used to be an in home office that's used for other things now, that's my display area. It's out of sight so my Wife doesn't mind.


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My display is in need of an overhaul. It is very random and scattered right now as I just kind of threw up spots to place things without much thought. Someday I would like to remedy this. I am almost embarrassed to show these, but here goes...

Above the workbench/computer desk is all the 1/72 Star Wars stuff


Of course I ran out of room so the prequel and sequel stuff has move to a shelving unit next to the desk (although the LAAT is not finished yet)


I have been on a military model building spree lately, so I hastily threw up some storage type shelves

I have not spent much time getting some proper flight pose bases, but for now...


P2152221 (2).JPGP2152239 (2).JPG

The some Star Wars Legion and other 1/48 stuff on some other random shelf :p


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