HI Sir why do you find it intimidating ? as its faily easy now to fit 2mm flashin or stay on leds as now where i buy them they come fitted already with their own value resister an all you have to do is fit the resistor to batt postative an the other wire to negative an its away as yes when i first started doin them 20 odd yrs ago i had to find my own resistor value an that was hard but now easy peasie so why not have a go sir you may be surprisedVery nice. One of these days I might light a model, but right now it is a bit intimidating for me.
AN HI Jakko yes glad you like the jet engines lit up an the main decals were a lot better an hardly any broke eceptin for some small ones as yes the one on the tomcat were a shambles but i just took my time an fitted them on an matched them up so i got away with them an the plane looked decent hope you are well sirThat's looking the business, especially the exhaustThe decals seem to have gone on better than on the F-14, too.
Dang, that looks sweet!!!!!!
Cheers Mark well i always think so as to me it brings the model to lifeVery nice chris, worth the extra time and effort fitting the lights
Well, I haven't dealt with lighting a model since 1985, when I completely ruined that model trying to light it and since that model represented 5 weeks of allowance and yard work I have been a just a tad gun shy with modifying models for lighting.HI Sir why do you find it intimidating ? as its faily easy now to fit 2mm flashin or stay on leds as now where i buy them they come fitted already with their own value resister an all you have to do is fit the resistor to batt postative an the other wire to negative an its away as yes when i first started doin them 20 odd yrs ago i had to find my own resistor value an that was hard but now easy peasie so why not have a go sir you may be surprised
ATB SIR chrisb
HI Sir how did you manage to ruin the model just fittin lights ? as i fit mine in a model before i build it an ive a pure white cat called lilley but for the main she just sleeps on my spare chair so no probs an back in 1985 there were not any led's then so what did you use grain of wheat bulbs which in my opinion would be a lot hader but now with these 2mm leds they are great for lightin up planes so why not have another go sir ?Well, I haven't dealt with lighting a model since 1985, when I completely ruined that model trying to light it and since that model represented 5 weeks of allowance and yard work I have been a just a tad gun shy with modifying models for lighting.
I do want to try again, because it has become so easy, but I do want to wait until I have a better work area and one that is cat free (kittens are cute but a major pain when it comes to building and painting).
It was ruined it putting in channels for the wiring I broke the model in half, had to do it by hand I didn't own a dremel back then. The two fluff ball I have are about 2-3 months old and they want attention, they like to sit on my shoulders and when I use my airbrush they play with the hose and almost pull it out of my hand. As for the bulbs it probably was grain of wheat bulbs, but I just don't remember.HI Sir how did you manage to ruin the model just fittin lights ? as i fit mine in a model before i build it an ive a pure white cat called lilley but for the main she just sleeps on my spare chair so no probs an back in 1985 there were not any led's then so what did you use grain of wheat bulbs which in my opinion would be a lot hader but now with these 2mm leds they are great for lightin up planes so why not have another go sir ?
Welcome Chris it's Lee.HI ALL well im a newbie from another site
HI Lee thanks for the welcome cheersWelcome Chris it's Lee.
You're welcome is this going to be your primary hang out nowHI Lee thanks for the welcome cheers
HI Lee no not really as im still on the old site as got freinds on there who are pleased i still post an i post on this site as well an on j/r site but at the moment i havnt got a model to build as just havin a break but i intend to go to HANNANTS MODEL WHEREHOUSE in a couple of wks time as a freind wants to go as he has never been before an its a little awkward to find it as no signs up to get my big kits that i want if possibleYou're welcome is this going to be your primary hang out now