Hello again, modeling gurus:
Here's my next question - I use both enamel and acrylic paints because I have not found one where all colors cover well. I have Testors (of course) enamel but also Vallejo and Tamiya acrylics. Every brand has colors that always cover well and others that don't. Is there a brand where ALL colors cover plastic models well (yes, I wash the trees with soap & water before I begin).
Here's my next question - I use both enamel and acrylic paints because I have not found one where all colors cover well. I have Testors (of course) enamel but also Vallejo and Tamiya acrylics. Every brand has colors that always cover well and others that don't. Is there a brand where ALL colors cover plastic models well (yes, I wash the trees with soap & water before I begin).