New Member Intro


Sep 3, 2024
Hello all, stumbled on this site a month or so ago and was quickly taken in by all the tips and photos! This seems to be a very active forum, so I figure I might as well jump in with a few posts.

I started on this hobby as a kid in the 70's and 80's. Building just for the enjoyment of the build using the orange tube glues, the little square bottles of enamel and a brush or two. Cant say the kits came out good, but I had fun. Mostly built cars and airplanes at the time, no survivors from that era : (

Then took a long sabbatical before picking up the hobby again. This time I stepped up my game and started using rattle cans and the occasional thin liquid glue to supplement the orange tube. The end products came out much better than my previous attempts. They finally looked more like the real thing - sans weathering - I built mostly cars at this juncture as my life style was a bit mobile (military life). Still no builds left over from that period of time.

After that, I took another break; kids and all that. I did some on and off work, but nothing to be proud of. Then at some point I started building large scale military vehicles. This time I also upped my game and got an airbrush and began using Tamiya acrylics for the first time. The end results, although not show quality, were pretty awesome in my opinion. I really enjoyed the build as always, but was also able to appreciate the end results more so than any time prior. Builds during this period were all Tamiya large scale tanks and military vehicles.

I took another modeling break and then picked it up again 5 years ago. This time I became intrigued by Tamiya's large scale F-1 series so I jumped in head first. These builds also coincided with me purchasing some better equipment and supplies.

This was also when i switched over to Tamiya lacquers. I am so happy with how these paint perform, quick drying, very forgiving (and I need lots of forgiveness), plus not having the paint peel off with the tape!

I have been very happy with the results, although the cost of my kit range has increased. So far I have built 3 Tamiya F-1 kits, the Italeri Mefistofele, Meng's GT-40 and am currently in the final stages of completing Meng's F-1 Maclaren. All the kits were in 1/12 scale and I enjoyed working with all the detail, especially the kits offered by Meng!

Next in line is Tamiya's 1/6 scale motorcycle line. I have one waiting in the wings right now, but won't get started until the Maclaren is finished. I will try to start photo documentation of the motorcycle builds. Until finding this forum, i never even thought about taking photos during the build, so looking for pointers from the regulars on how t best do that!

Enough about me.

And for your added enjoyment of my wall of text, I added a picture of my homemade paint booth with PC fan exhaust.

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Welcome to the forum. I can attest to Tamiya's motorcycle line. I am on my 5th bike build. All are 1/12 scale. You will definitely like them. I can't afford a 1/6th kit, although I would love to build one. I am looking forward to many pics of the bike build in progress.
Greetings & welcome to 'here' - It is a pretty neat site and some wonderful individual's and great sharing.
Welcome to the addict. Nice homemade paint booth. So are you like many of us and your older models ended up victims of firecrackers?
Welcome to the addict. Nice homemade paint booth. So are you like many of us and your older models ended up victims of firecrackers?
You could say that, and other various forms of abuse. Some were victims of too many moves or small houses.
Lately a lot of them have gone to children of friends or coworkers - I'm sure some of those builds met a violent demise : )
I enjoy the build and have limited shelf space, so I keep a few that I like, but most just get moved on.
Hello all, stumbled on this site a month or so ago and was quickly taken in by all the tips and photos! This seems to be a very active forum, so I figure I might as well jump in with a few posts.

I started on this hobby as a kid in the 70's and 80's. Building just for the enjoyment of the build using the orange tube glues, the little square bottles of enamel and a brush or two. Cant say the kits came out good, but I had fun. Mostly built cars and airplanes at the time, no survivors from that era : (

Then took a long sabbatical before picking up the hobby again. This time I stepped up my game and started using rattle cans and the occasional thin liquid glue to supplement the orange tube. The end products came out much better than my previous attempts. They finally looked more like the real thing - sans weathering - I built mostly cars at this juncture as my life style was a bit mobile (military life). Still no builds left over from that period of time.

After that, I took another break; kids and all that. I did some on and off work, but nothing to be proud of. Then at some point I started building large scale military vehicles. This time I also upped my game and got an airbrush and began using Tamiya acrylics for the first time. The end results, although not show quality, were pretty awesome in my opinion. I really enjoyed the build as always, but was also able to appreciate the end results more so than any time prior. Builds during this period were all Tamiya 1/25+ tanks and military vehicles.

I took another modeling break and then picked it up again 5 years ago. This time I became intrigued by Tamiya's large scale F-1 series so I jumped in head first. These builds also coincided with me purchasing some better equipment and supplies.

This was also when i switched over to Tamiya lacquers. I am so happy with how these paint perform, quick drying, very forgiving (and I need lots of forgiveness), plus not having the paint peel off with the tape!

I have been very happy with the results, although the cost of my kit range has increased. So far I have built 3 Tamiya F-1 kits, the Italeri Mefistofele, Meng's GT-40 and am currently in the final stages of completing Meng's F-1 Maclaren. All the kits were in 1/12 scale and I enjoyed working with all the detail, especially the kits offered by Meng!

Next in line is Tamiya's 1/6 scale motorcycle line. I have one waiting in the wings right now, but won't get started until the Maclaren is finished. I will try to start photo documentation of the motorcycle builds. Until finding this forum, i never even thought about taking photos during the build, so looking for pointers from the regulars on how t best do that!

Enough about me.

And for your added enjoyment of my wall of text, I added a picture of my homemade paint booth with PC fan exhaust.

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Pantherman
Welcome to the Herd, BC! Nice bench! I look forward to seeing more of your builds.
Best regards,
Welcome!!!!!! Many great people here, post pictures of your builds as you go, we like to see
Howdy, bring on the pics!
I just joined in recently and blown away by how helpful and encouraging most folks are!

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