Austin Light Utility Car - 10 HP Tilly


Well-Known Member
Glue Member
Sep 4, 2022
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Great skills!

You really should get out to the desert. There's something to be said about sand in your ears, coffee (or tea) by the morning fire. And the sunrise and sunsets are amazing.

Good job.

Be Well. Model on for the setting in North Africa. You do well.

Nice model, but if I may make an observation: Focus the camera better :) A lot of the pictures are blurry and out of focus, which can be good to lead the eye to the things you actually want to show, but too many of them are almost entirely out of focus.

A good way to get more into focus is to take the pictures from further away and then crop them to only show what you want to show. This forum resizes uploaded pictures to 1440 pixels along the long edge, whereas modern phone and tablet cameras take pictures of 4000+ pixels on a side. This means you can crop them enough to cut off almost two-thirds of the picture's width and still have them look full-size once uploaded.
This forum resizes uploaded pictures to 1440 pixels along the long edge,
The forum auto-resizes ?
maybe that's new .
I've always needed to manually resize prior to uploading directly here .
I was hosting pics on Imgur but they don't let me no more .
The existing links still stand but I can't add pix to Imgur or even link to existing pix on Imgur .

Maybe SMA's auto-resize only works on smaller files ?
I'm starting with 24 MP images .
I found that I can chop the horizontal to 4000 , maintaining the aspect ratio , and the site accepts that without issue .
Nice model, but if I may make an observation: Focus the camera better :) A lot of the pictures are blurry and out of focus, which can be good to lead the eye to the things you actually want to show, but too many of them are almost entirely out of focus.

Ya, fair comment. Thought I'd post them anyhow, had a certain feel some might find similar to 'portraiture' or 'old school cinematic' with exactly that, focus on one element exclusively, a bit of drama.
Several in a row is too much! If anything, better lighting would help, and a little more depth of field. Perhaps I'll try the approach again one day, with better lighting.
I actually used a macro lens and digital SLR camera, with manual focus... some photos I didn't post were scary, you could almost see the molecules, equivalent to seeing one nose hair in a family pic!!
The forum auto-resizes ?
maybe that's new .
It's a standard feature of XenForo, though it can be disabled by setting a maximum length of 0 pixels.

Maybe SMA's auto-resize only works on smaller files ?
XenForo appears to be a bit funny with file sizes sometimes. The admin can set a maximum file size for attachments in kilobytes, which should be the maximum size after the forum auto-resizes uploaded images, but I've seen it reject (very) large files that would be under the limit once it's been resized. I normally upload in 1280 × 960 pixels, rather than full-size, but that appears to be less than the upper limit set for this forum. Let me try uploading a 4032 × 3024, 2.7 MB photo to see what it turns into:


Oh, OK, 1600 × 1200 (and 365 KB) — I said 1440 above because that's what the ones @BarleyBop posted are, so I thought it's what the forum resizes them to.
Yeah , I don't know what the limit is ,
I figured 4000 across would be plenty .

How are the photos showing on my " Hobbygawa " build ?
I would assume that they show out there like they look on my end , But , I just found out a few months ago from Durango D that when I post some link that has one of those page length lines of characters for an address , that whole thing appears out there but on my end it's truncated to one line .
I assumed it displayed out there same .
Do they load on page without scroll / pan bars ?
they work fine on my end , but again ..
I just want them to fit the page at least
is 4000 too big ? What is an ideal size ?
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Hmm, my photos in this thread (which are resized), not the ones originally in the album, are listed by this platform as:
Image metadata
Focal length70.0 mm
Exposure time1/50 second(s)ISO3200
FlashOff, did not fire
File size992.7 KB
Date takenSat, 26 December 2015 6:16PM
Dimensions1440px x 960px

There were a couple which I didn't resize because the file size was much smaller... but the image size is huge:

File size 476.1 KB
Date takenMon, 02 November 2015 9:24 PM
Dimensions2688px x 1520px

Go figure! I must have manipulated the large ones back in 2015, and don't remember how!
How are the photos showing on my " Hobbygawa " build ?
As per usual, I would think: normal. They've been resized to 1600 pixels wide (by the forum, I assume) and then displayed to full width of the message they're in (because that's less than the 1600 pixels they're wide).

I would assume that they show out there like they look on my end
That thread looks like this on the iPad that I'm using now:


when I post some link that has one of those page length lines of characters for an address , that whole thing appears out there but on my end it's truncated to one line .
You mean like this?

With the current forum settings, XenForo chops out the middle and replaces it by an ellipsis () so you can see the start and the end. This is probably unexpected for Windows users, because that truncates the end and puts an ellipsis there, but familiar to Mac users, because macOS puts the ellipsis in the middle too. That is to say, Holiday photos T… is a lot less useful than Holiday p…imbuktu when you're looking through your files and folders :) Anyway, the URL above still works as a link — only what you get to see is trimmed down exactly to prevent four lines of URL.
the image size is huge:

File size 476.1 KB
Are you serious? :) I've got tons of image files (not JPEGs, though) ten times or more that size, not to mention InDesign files of a couple hundred megabytes :) The 2.7 MB I mentioned above is not unusual for photos taken by a modern phone or tablet, never mind a DSLR camera.
@Jakko ,
thanks for the feedback .

That longer address for that map page shows shortened up on my end like it does when I post them , well , the way they show to me .
Don't know why Durango was treated to the entire address
Item pages from Amazon have novel length urls .
I just want to make sure what I post is user friendly , ;)

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