1/16 Stug III Ausf.G

I calling this project done. The more I look at it the more I can see to do, but I don't want to overdo it. Hard for me to decide if I crossed that line or not.
Looking forward to the next model....gonna continue with 1/16 German armour.17216767943974393266455189769733.jpg17216768817406439362902155515085.jpg17216769379864144092009500697955.jpg17216770158878194422104367236962.jpg17216770521653614219965466021924.jpg
The polish on the breach is perfect! I'd add a colored tip to the warheads, but I go nothing else.

A really nice piece you have there, and watching it made me want to try the huge scale, but space (storage/display) is an issue. Maybe a Renault FT or Panzer-I...hmmm.
Thanks everybody. I enjoyed having a thread as I worked, wasn't sure I would at first. I like this forum and will do another thread on the next build.
Shout out to Down Time for letting me know about this place!
Incredible build. Very nice.

The sten is a nice touch and makes it your own.

Yours puts my 1/16 Das Werk Stug III to shame. LOl.

Love the interior additions, I could never seem to find the drivers compartment and such in stock anywhere. Love the ammo shells too.

Great job!

Be well. Model on.

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