I've not posted in a while, my build portion is winding down fast. I seem to have lost the shield of a single 20mm flak, also decided to make my own mounts for the main antenna (I think it is an antenna, the big thing thing near the top of the main fighting stack) since the ones that it came with were too thin (for me to avoid ruining) and were too short on one side (which probably means I assembled crooked) so I took them out. I can make some wire ones, plan to try with copper, but think steel would be better for this so I might have to buy some tiny straight (stiff) wires.
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These are from a few days ago, I had just finished retouching the gray on top after heavily washing the blue decks to tone them down. Note most AAA missing, and the main super-structure is just resting there.
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This picture is from today, ten minutes ago actually. The missing 20mm and remaining bits are obvious to me, but I know where to look. I also will add this shot (below) to explain some slow movement. I spend a lot of time switching contexts
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Edit to add: I have all the railings set aside and painted, just think I should deal with rigging (deciding if I am up to it) before they get in the way or get bent.