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  1. Barsprojects

    APC from 1986 Aliens scratch build 1/20

    Hey guys, it's been a while, wishing you all the best wishes for the new year! I'd like to share this build of the APC from the Aliens movie. I found a nice technique to make something out of scratch. I found a 3d model of the APC and then split the body of the vehicle in several parts and...
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  6. Barsprojects

    1:24 Back To The Future I Delorean Time Machine

    Sigh. Lost interest a bit (screwed up some painting and thought I should just start all over) and had other projects, many excuses, but will get back at this model soon. Thanks guys for keeping an interest. Barry
  7. Barsprojects

    FineMolds 1/48 Snowspeeder

    Looks really fantastic, Mandoman, such clean work, I could never do that :) What are you planning for the base apart from snow? Is it on it's own or are there other models/elements involved? Barry
  8. Barsprojects

    1:24 Back To The Future I Delorean Time Machine

    Thanks all. Started on the base. I actually thought of a base I want to do for the '89 batmobile (which build I will do after this one AND the speeder bike is done), in the movie there's the shot of the batmobile going fast on this wet road through a forest tothe batcave, kicking up leaves...
  9. Barsprojects

    1:24 Back To The Future I Delorean Time Machine

    I think I'm done with the flux capacitor, it's a bit of a mess. Part of me wants to start all over and do a real all out detailing proper job, nice and clean, another part of me says: just finish the darn thing. And some long exposure shots of the blue lights (brighter than in real life), test...
  10. Barsprojects

    1:24 Back To The Future I Delorean Time Machine

    Thanks Hagoth for the bleach idea, seems to work fine.
  11. Barsprojects

    1:24 Back To The Future I Delorean Time Machine

    Thanks Quaralane Something else, does anyone know how to get rid of a kind of sticky transparent goo that is left after you dechrome a plastic part? I put some parts in MrMuscle cleaner, worked before but this time it leaves a residue behind that I'm not sure how to get rid of. It's sticky and...
  12. Barsprojects

    1:24 Back To The Future I Delorean Time Machine

    Flux capicator was already painted and installed, took it apart and removed plastic flux capacitor and now have to figure out how to make that lighted fork, tricky cause not much room to stick fiber through bulkhead. Sorry for many updates but enjoying myself ;D Barry Fiber fork test but...
  13. Barsprojects

    1:24 Back To The Future I Delorean Time Machine

    Made fiber brackets for the blue light fiber that runs from the underside of the car to the roof (8 brackets per rail cause of the bends). Test fitted and lighted, very happy with that! Even with only one led, this means I can keep the interior hopefully clear from fibers sticking down into it...
  14. Barsprojects

    1:24 Back To The Future I Delorean Time Machine

    Thanks guys, About the fogging, I did fog the front fiber, but I just found out I sanded it a bit too much actually. While working on the rear rails I found you need to just sand it very little to maintain the light coming through, too much sanding and it will barely travel an inch even through...
  15. Barsprojects

    1:24 Back To The Future I Delorean Time Machine

    Thanks guys! Here a photo of what´s under the hood, the leds, blue ones on, headlights off. Barry
  16. Barsprojects

    1:24 Back To The Future I Delorean Time Machine

    It is a nice kit, Mandoman. I don't know about other kits but this one doesn't have doors that open and the wire bundles on the side are molded to the body, they shouldn't have done that I think. Got the kit at Hobby Link Japan but they don't have em anymore with the PE set. Was called "super...
  17. Barsprojects

    FineMolds 1/48 Snowspeeder

    Amazing nice and clean painting job, looks fantastic!
  18. Barsprojects

    1:24 Back To The Future I Delorean Time Machine

    Decided that I'm gonna build some movie cars from the 80ies, got the DeLorean, '89 Batmobile and a Police Spinner. Wasn't going to start until I got the Speeder Bike done but I've been kinda stuck on that one (scout and diorama undecided). Anyway, got started on the Delorean, thought I'd do it...
  19. Barsprojects

    Tip: LED Dimmer on Ebay

    Hey guys, Thought I'd share this tip. I found these LED dimmers on Ebay (2 dollar ish) that are great for dimming you're overbright models or for adjusting brightness to the lightlevel in a room. The neat thing is it comes with the plugs already attached that fit right in with the power...
  20. Barsprojects

    Speeder Bike and glow worms

    Hey guys I'm almost done with the bike, many parts that still need to go on have to wait till I wrestle mr. biker scout into an acceptable form so I can fit his hands and legs to the bike. Barry