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  1. BarleyBop

    Heller Jaguar E Type.

    ...and folks say they like building armour for the weathering! Nice job!
  2. BarleyBop

    Rod Hall's BRONCO

    Dedication builds are the best in my book, no matter how they turn, out they have something most other builds don't: heart.
  3. BarleyBop

    What do you snack on

    Wow, 56 lbs! (for us North Americans) Yup, healthy food, a modicum of exercise, appropriate sleep, intellectual stimulation and socialization with others (even remotely, as on forums like this), are all great ways to improve quality of life. Keep at it! :D
  4. BarleyBop

    Horch + Flak38 1/35

    Looking good! Very steady progress... :cool:
  5. BarleyBop

    What do you snack on

    I don't think this really qualifies as a 'snack', but I have to include it here, just because of all the in- between meals foodstuffs I could partake, this is my absolute favorite! It is sweet, and sour, and most importantly, salty! A bowl of peeled, cubed papaya, seasoned with the juice of a...
  6. BarleyBop

    A Bit of Fun

    Yes, and I think I was in grade 1 or 2 when Batman hit the screen!
  7. BarleyBop

    Hello from Western Pennsylvania

    Hope you start a thread on that Rolls! Which kit are you building?
  8. BarleyBop

    WWII Weathering Fallacy or Truth. Accuracy.

    Isn't it weird when it feels like you are actually channeling your dad in a given situation? I would never have believed that when I was 17! :rolleyes:
  9. BarleyBop

    Hello from Western Pennsylvania

    Them's a passle o' tigers! :eek:
  10. BarleyBop

    Hello from Western Pennsylvania

    Welcome! And the feeling is mutual... I've only been active here two months, and have learned and seen so much already! Let's see some picts of what that last modeling session looked like!
  11. BarleyBop

    A Bit of Fun

    Yup, I thought all middle aged Americans looked like him, watching American cable TV from Canada. :rolleyes:
  12. BarleyBop

    A Bit of Fun

    That's That's U.N.C.L.E. ! :rolleyes: Earlier Family TV included: Ed Sullivan
  13. BarleyBop

    A Bit of Fun

    @TimM63 , had to "look that up in my 'Funk & Wagnalls'" , "...and that's the truth!"
  14. BarleyBop

    SMA What's New In Your Stash?!?

    ... super sized!
  15. BarleyBop

    A Bit of Fun

    The street would empty for the show, then immediately fill back up with excited chatter!
  16. BarleyBop

    WWII Weathering Fallacy or Truth. Accuracy.

    @OldManModeler , this has been great thread, with input from all quarters! I don't think we've exhausted the subject, but I think it has set the baseline for a discussion that will undoubtedly come up again.  Cheers
  17. BarleyBop

    Boredom creates a great idea.

    I mix mine 3:1 ;) not too thin, still does the job!
  18. BarleyBop

    WWII Weathering Fallacy or Truth. Accuracy.

    Even the film brand affects the colour: Kodachrome being known for warm reds, and Fujicolor having a bluer cast... Did the photographer use a filter over the lens? Which brands of chemicals and papers used in the darkroom? And looking at magazines, well, those images have so much variability...
  19. BarleyBop

    Group Build: Historical Warships of WWII

    Fantastic sleuthing! I don't know what the 'accepted' or 'popular' approach is with naval models, but I like your suggestion of following the camo pattern in maybe a different shade. That is my approach with vehicle canvas tarpaulins or wooden floors, same colour, but a slightly different...
  20. BarleyBop

    Hi from Canada!

    Ah, do like the gitans, when life throws lemons, dance!