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  1. iandrewmartin

    Good Resource on Working with Photo Etch ( Downloadable )

    Thank you for this post. I've been struggling with some photoetch, which has stalled several of my railway projects. If I cannot get it right after this, I'm hanging up the hobby.
  2. iandrewmartin

    Leopard 2A6M CAN

    That is a thoughtful manufacturer.
  3. iandrewmartin

    What can I do to make colour more natural

    Fade the paint first, by spraying several highlights of white (90%+) thinner to paint on the model. You can do this with a brush too. Just make sure to get one that is wide enough for the job. I prefer pastry brushes (about an inch and a bit wide) to do this. Don't make it too uniform. Paint...
  4. Side-1-of-the-car-showing-the-lighter-weathering-treatment.png


  5. iandrewmartin

    Leopard 2A6M CAN

    Outstanding work. That makes such a difference to the look of the part. How did you cut the original part out? I imagine a circle cutter.
  6. iandrewmartin

    Star Wars A-A5 Speeder Truck

    Very nice work!
  7. iandrewmartin

    Perfect perpendicular?

    A small engineer's square with rubber bands or magnets ought to work. Once again, showing us what you are trying to join together will help inform an answer.
  8. iandrewmartin

    IMPS National Plastic Model Contest 2023 in San Marcus Texas

    My Texas experience was that IPMS tended to be, as others have said, clean builds of outstanding quality, but very vanilla ice cream. For the real models, you needed to go to an AMPS show. There was a club in Austin of which I was a member, the Austin Armor Builders Society. Lots of Armour...
  9. iandrewmartin

    What do you do with finished builds?

    Nothing to be ashamed of there. That is a great collection of excellent models.
  10. iandrewmartin

    Pin wash question

    Pantherman; Sepia's I find give better results than black. As others have said, blacks can be quite stark, and dirt is the general colour, even with oil leaks and such they gum up with dirt and grit. Hope that helps. I know I got here late.
  11. iandrewmartin

    Tamiya Mk.5 Chieftain

    That's really nice mate. Well done.
  12. iandrewmartin

    1:48 Tamiya F-14A - V33 Starfighters

    If that's your first aircraft, you've pulled it off exceptionally well. Mine never looked that good. Which is why I gave them up. Almost...
  13. iandrewmartin

    Well I finally did it!!

    As someone who suffers from the same issue, it does get better. My advice is: See your GP first, get a referral if need be See a specialist, who should get you to have it X-Rayed and get an Ultra-Sound Then you can work with the GP/Specialist and a physio to arrange exercises to resolve the...
  14. iandrewmartin

    What do you get when you cross a ................. (Warning This thread may contain graphic images of a Kit Bash)

    I'm unsure as to the droid height. I 'feel' that it might be higher than I would have it. However, having said that. with the droid figure in white, it is hard to judge. In the image below R2-D2 doesn't seem to be as high as your droid figure. Not sure I've been a help though.
  15. 0ab599d6a9f98df6d05df37ff3070bd4[1].gif


  16. iandrewmartin

    Classic MPC C-3PO and R2-D2 uber detail build: Completed!

    As I look at the posts, all the images are red x's. What am I doing wrong?
  17. iandrewmartin

    Snowspeeder in progress

    That's perfect. Great work.
  18. iandrewmartin

    Marvel Crisis Protocol

    They are all awesome! Well done. I am in the process of teaching myself to paint my son's Warhammer 40K. He's lost interest in them, but they are cool and I'm slowly improving my technique to be able to paint them to a decent standard for him for his High School Graduation at the end of the...
  19. iandrewmartin

    What kind of base should I use for my diorama?

    It depends on what you are looking for: Fome-Cor uses outer faces (of different materials) and a polystyrene core (I've built large scale, complex 3D, micro layouts with it for photo dioramas) XPS (Expanded Polystyrene) board is another option. You'll need to do a local search for suppliers...
  20. iandrewmartin

    Should I just build dioramas?

    Stephan; Micro railway layouts are a thing now. Especially, in the small scales, there are many opportunities to not only build and base your models but have trains running through those dioramas also. A google search (use the link) Google Image Search (Micro Layout) will give you some ideas...