1/3 of the "Du Docht Nicht" kit - Fokker DVII


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2024
Got a good start to this kit, in 1/48 it is TINY, but still the largest of the three planes in the kit, the other two being an Albatross and a Dr-I triplane.


Just for fun and a scale reference...these are both 1/48 :)


The lower wing is mounted but will be "painted" with the lozenge camouflage scheme while the fuselage and upper wing will be painted red and white. Unfortunately I seem to have lost the vertical stabilizer, so this kit will have to go back into storage until I find it. Just hope it did not fall into the trash can. I need to move that further away from the bench I think.

I was going to grab one of the other two, but decided to move the F-35 to the front burner instead.
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Eduard, I think they were all sold separately at some point. They have another trio/combination kit I'm interested in but is out of circulation, a Pearl Harbor 3-plane set Val/Kate/Zeke.
This kit had been sidelined since I lost the vertical stab somehow. Well, I just found it sitting there on the floor. I have no explanation for supernatural shape-shifting or multiple-universe things like that. But it is back on the bench. Trying to put a positive spin on things, I found this part the day after I realized I've lost a part from the J2M3. Hope it does not wait as long to come back to me.

I gotta tighten up my game in the shop I think.

Anyway, hoping the small size of this plane and the rigging (if I decide to try it) will not be too hard. Because there are two more to go, and I thin they'd make a nice display to have them all together, along with some of the items that came in the box, a resin pilot, miniature Blue Max, and a "signed" portrait.


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