1/48 Boeing AH-64D Longbow Apache

Nice looking kit and extras there Adam!! Moving forward is a good thing!! ;) 2 Day Brotha'!! ;D
I finally got a chance to get some work done on this thing. Sorry I don't have better WIP pics of the cockpit. Here's where it's at now.











Thanks for stopping by!
Great stuff the Adam!! Awesome detail in that office!! Keep it coming!! ;)
Thanks dudes! I'm working on the center seam line. Once that's done it'll be smooth skies from here on out.
TBadger said:
That's a pretty stout cockpit! Green beer inspiration?? ;D


Thanks Badger, its been fun! I got some more seam work done on it yesterday. the top seams lined up well, but the bottom not so much. I have a lot more work on the bottom. I'll take some pics later.

Thanks for watching!
Re: 1/48 Boeing AH-64D Longbow Apache (Update w/ Help Needed)

Alright folks, tonight was good night. I got all the seam lines taken care of. What I like to do is sand them all down and hit them with a bit of primer to check. All's good there. I then moved on the finalizing the cockpit. Here's where it's at now.







(I see a few areas where I need to touch up some of the paint)

The next thing on my agenda is masking the canopy and attaching it. I am going to break out the polishing paper first though as there are a few scratches on the inside I need to buff out. But this project is a TON of fun.

Now here is where I need some help!

The areas circled in red, well there's a gap there. It is not as pronounced when there is pressure on it. I'm sure I'll be able to glue it down but there will still be a small gap. What should I do to eliminate it? I was thinking about maybe a very thin piece of styrene or should I glue the canopy in place and then try to fill the gap with CA via capillary action? You can't see it well in the picture but the frame of the canopy is covered in raised rivits so I don't want to destroy them with sanding. So, HELP!
Re: 1/48 Boeing AH-64D Longbow Apache (Updated w/ Help Needed)

Great progress

To fix the gap i would glue the clear down the fill the gaps with clear window maker.


this is what i do on wing joints and it work pretty good
1- place tape on both sides of the gap
2- apply some putty (you can thin it down but be carefull we dont want it to attack the plastic)
3- remove tape and let harden a little (hour or so or if your not in a hurry let it fully cure)
4- take some Q-Tips and nail polish remover containing acetone
5- dip the qtip in the nail polish remover and rub away the exess putty. Now be carefull not to rub the clear parts has it may fog them (you could alway leave the tape on the clear part side).
to this slowly but surely and dont apply too much nail polish remover.

Hope this helps
Re: 1/48 Boeing AH-64D Longbow Apache (Updated w/ Help Needed)

It kind of looks like a part is missing to.me. That would explain that gap. If not Neo gave good advice. The problem with using a strip of styrere is that you would have to sand it down unless it was cut perfectly to size.
Re: 1/48 Boeing AH-64D Longbow Apache (Updated w/ Help Needed)

I agree with John you need some stretch sprue to fill the gap. :D
Re: 1/48 Boeing AH-64D Longbow Apache (Updated w/ Help Needed)

I'd third that.
Beautiful cockpit btw, great job! ;)
Re: 1/48 Boeing AH-64D Longbow Apache (Updated w/ Help Needed)

might be able to fill it with PVA ? wont attack the clear plastic.
Re: 1/48 Boeing AH-64D Longbow Apache (Updated w/ Help Needed)

I'm sure you could get away with a sloped piece of styreneto help fill the gap. it'd just be hard to get an even slope. If you could get it glued down with a minimal gap, perhaps a slow setting gap filling CA would work to close it up...to prevent crazing maybe an accelerator would stop the chemical reactions quick nough to not cause glass fogging
Re: 1/48 Boeing AH-64D Longbow Apache (Updated w/ Help Needed)


Too me it looks like it's binding at the blue box area. Nice and tight at the green. Before trying to fill a seam I would try to improve the fit. You might be able to judge if a tiny bit of sanding where it's binding is all that is required.

If so...just sand it bit by bit...and test fit often. Really bit by bit, just sanding a hair off and testing. That could sort it out without the risk of marring the clear with anything.

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