1/48 Revell B-17G

Hey adam, your 17 is coming out fantastic! You say you've been building for 4 years? I think you have alot natural talent! Have you decided how you are going to paint her? Keep the pics coming!
Thanks again for all the encouragement!!!! And thank you for the info about the open doors!!! I decided to go back and cut the doors out! Now I can see through all the bulkheads into the bomb bay! I have done ALOT of dry fitting today and almost have one half the fuselage complete. The only thing is that the kit windows are definatley blocking out a ton of detail! I tried to create my own windows on a piece of scrap with a whole cut out. No luck! Oh well.

Pictures to follow











Alright, so I thouht I wouldn't get any work done on this thing for the next two weeks but that doesn't seem to be the case. (my inlaws aren't demanding as much time as I thought they would) I have finished one half and have started working on the other. I think I should have this thing closed up in the next few days.


oh... what a Bird you have.... I really enjoy all the Details you have put in there....

Can't wait for you to Button her up... and paint her skin !

Too bad all that GOODNESS will be hidden (mostly).... oh well you know its in there...
Thanks again everybody for the encouragment and tips. I have got a little bit more done. the right half is almost done. I got the forward gun in. The pic doesn't show it but I drilled out the barrerl, looks sweet. So far I weathered it to match the left half. I am finshing up the ammo box, control panel, and gluing in the windows. This has been the most disapointing part of the build for me. The windows fit horibly and they are so opac that you can barley see any of the detail through them. Since this is my first aircraft I have done a lot of reading and the one thing I found that has really helped is putting future on the windows. Although I did it backwords, I glued in the windows then put the future on them. WIth the windscreen and bubbles I am going to apply the future to them first. I still haven't decided what color to give the beast. I thougth about the strait aluminium, but my next progect is going to have a 3 tone color scheem so I think its best if I give this the gray bottom w/ the olive drab top.




P.S. This is a big bird!
Oh yeah, the kit says to put the fuselage together before gluing the wings. But I saw a youtube video where the guy glues the wings first. Any oppinions? It is only dry fitted right now to let the glue set on the forward gun.
I built mine gluing the fuselage first and had no issues. It's all in what you feel comfortable with. If your still thinking about painting her aluminium, a couple of options for you. Hawkeye makes a acrylic NMF that works really well, best part about it is it has no smell! Also Tamiya has a couple of choices in rattle cans. Really like the detail your putting into the 17. Can't wait to see her done!
Wow this is looking nice! I hope my RoG 1/72 looks half as nice. I usually attach the wings to the assembled fuselage, but on some kits I have attached the wings first, specially anything with odd wings like the Hawker Hunter, but I'm not sure about something so large. Either way works.

Tamiya's TS metallic lacquers look nice, but they look like car paint and not metal. I think they have a line of actual metallic lacquers, but I haven't seen them. I love the look of Alclad, but have not tried it yet due to cost, the fact that it's a lacquer and you have to get the application just right. Model Master Metalizers also look great, but they are also lacquers and they are supposed to be sprayed onto bare plastic, but have poor adhesion. Gunze makes Super Metallic lacquers which don't seem to be as popular, but they look great and are supposedly easier to work with. I have a bottle of Hawkeye's Talon aluminum, but I have not tried it yet. I will give it a go on my Ferrari FXX so make sure to watch it. It looks a little disappointing in the bottle, but I have seen some great results with it.

(Personally I'm not that fond of NMF and it's not because they are hard to paint. I just like the look of camouflage better. :p My RoG 1/72 will be painted in OD over NG.)


I taped her up just to get a feel for her. I didn't realize just how big she is. Where the heck and I going to put her. More importantly, where am I going to put all the other planes I want to build? hahaha
Two halves are glued together, windows are covered in liquid masking tape, first wet sand done. Filling in some areas where there were gaps. It is starting to look like an aircraft.



adampolo13 said:
...I didn't realize just how big she is. Where the heck and I going to put her. More importantly, where am I going to put all the other planes I want to build? hahaha

Hehe, you'll have to do what I did, Adam, when I was a kid. I had a "ceiling diorama". 2 B-17s, 1 B-24s, 2 C-47s unloading a stick of paratroopers each, plus a B-29. Attacked by the old Monogram Me-109 and defended by the P-51B and a Flying Tiger P-40 :D

Fast forward to today, I have your problem, too, where to go with finished models? I have to finish some renovations on my house, and then I'll have some dedicated display space.
Hello all. I hope everyone is having a very happy holiday season! I am in the middle of sanding seam lines at the momment, the wings to be exact. Ive been strugling a lot with the squadrin white putty. I tried to mix it with some enamal thinner (saw that online somewhere) but it didnt work well. I went at it strait outta the tube. Its coming along well except i have accepted that im going to loose some panel Line details... Oh well, im still enjoying it. I'll upload some pics soon.
Just catching up on this one, and I must say I'm very impressed at how well all this is turning out since it's the first time using a lot of these techniques. Good luck on the exterior and I can't wait to see it finished up.

All the best
So, I have been attacking the seam lines with putty, LOTS of sanding, and primer. I have gotten a lot closer on the right side than the left. It is taking a while but I am determined to make those stinkin' seem lines go away!!!!



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