1/48 SBC 3 Helldiver canopy

Phil Wright

New Member
Nov 15, 2024
Classic Airframes kit. Still looking for a replacement canopy. This is the early biplane type. Vacuformed. Tried polishing "yellow" out-this is throughout. Looking for a part more than hints.
Sorry, hints are all I can offer.
I don't think the Aurora canopy will fit; it's thick and the two kits don't quite match in scale.
For vacuform canopies, I look first for Squadron and for Falcon; both brands are very nice, generally. Squadron packages them for individual subjects, Falcom made sets covering several subjects in a single set. However, running my own searches, I didn't find any SBC canopies.
I also looked in my CA search on eBay. There are auctions for parts, and a couple for the SBC decals, but none for the canopy.
As far as polishing out the discoloration goes, it can't be done. It's a change in the chemistry of the plastic. Some have tried to use sunlight to bleach the plastic clear, but that doesn't work, either.
You might be able to use the CA kit canopy, though, to make a master and vacuform a replacement.
The only other option I can think of is to do as Momo's first suggestion, and buy another kit to scavenge the canopy. I think there are 2 in the box, aren't there?
Hope something in there helps!

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