1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

Dang it if I can't do it. But this might be my only entry this year...although with the new EpVII trailer I have some ideas up my sleeve.
Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

Sweet mother of after market! man that was a fun read. I welled up a bit when that 'all the resin' pic scrolled up into view.

Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

That I a mountain of A.M. but beyond cool... That is a monster project...Looking forward to more....
Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

A LOT of planning going on there.
Going to be a ton of changes coming to just about everything you're doing from the looks of things.

Ambitious, but well within your abilities, man
Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

Thanks guys. I've actually been doing a lot of planning as I'm trying to get to sleep at night, at least thinking through much of the construction and major changes. Its helpful but nothing beats just sitting and working on it.
Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

Nice to know I'm not the only one going to sleep with my build running through my head as I try to get to sleep.
Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

Believe it or not it actually helps me get to sleep. As a bonus I actually dream of Flankers. :p
Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

Wow, that is a lot of AM. Should be a stunner of a kit when done!
Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

I do the same. Obsessing over AH-64s day and night. I was at the dentist this morning and while he's drilling I'm working on the layout of my diorama.
Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

And the more I think about it the more I confuse myself sometimes. I just checked the image that shows the Alamos and it appears that a couple of Archers are mixed in, too. It looks like they're on the wingtips but it's hard to tell. I might still just do the Alamos...
Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

Lots of resin there, it's going to be a masterpiece for sure! :)
Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

Very nice pile of goodies there!! Off to a great start!! Keep up the good work! ;)
Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

Closer look at the elevators and pylons. I’m dropping the flaps on this build since you can see they are all dropping on the sitting bird. Also, the pylons all appear to be painted differently.



Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

It’s funny, I look back at this past week and think I really haven’t done much on this project, then I look at the pictures! Every little step makes a big difference and I might just be getting to the major building sooner than I realize!

First up, I started riveting! The horizontal and vertical stabilizers were first up and assembled. There were a few lines that needed to be scribed as well as small access panels.




The verticals were a little more complex so I made a new scribing template for the access panels.




The lower fins also don’t come with the larger rivet markings so I used Hasegawa’s .75mm rivet punch tool.



The ‘stabes are looking the part already.


Since the elevators are going to be drooped, the hinges need some extension work. It’s a little tricky trying to figure out curves and length by just dry fitting all the pieces, so an approximation took effect. Once the fins and fuselage pieces are assembled it should be easier to trim and fit the parts.



Not only are there new lines to be scribed, some need to be removed so I filled them with putty and began sanding smooth.




I also started scribing the new lines on the wings.



While I was at it I sanded down the ejector pin marks on the inside of the intakes.


So something funny also cropped up and it’s a bit of a hump. The wings are bent on both the top and bottom fuselage pieces. It’s probably my fault for packing the box so tight. I glued some steel rods into the bottom piece and it helped but there’s not enough room for them in the top section. I’ll have to work carefully with some heat from my desk lamp to reshape.




Lastly, Flankerman Ken over at ARC shared that the nose gear door inset shape is wrong, so I’ll be re-sculpting that.


I also trimmed all the blocks off the resin pieces….still a huge pile!!


That process included cutting apart the pieces I need from the kit pylons.

Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

I love your updates, always a good read. Great work Nic.
Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

Great looking progress. Way more involved than I think I'd attempt. What is that green putty you're using? Do you like it, is it good? It looks kinda rough or grainy. I'm used to Tamiya and Mr. Surfacers and the dissolved putty so maybe I have a limited knowledge...
Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

It's Squadrons green putty. My Tamiya tube dried up and I don't have any Aves. :( It is a little grainy but does sand really quickly and smoothly. It's a bit softer than Tamiya, too.
Re: AIR 1/48 Su-27UB Blue 52 Polar Flanker

I've had/ used one tube of Squadron stuff, but it wasn't green, and I don't remember liking it.

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