1941 Chevy Pickup Lowrider

Thanks guys, another small update, still working on body work and doing some studying on the painting of the foam and all the little parts and trying to come up with a overall color for the outside of the truck, did get the rear hydro cylinders built however.
no updates at this point, im stumped on how to install the hydros for the back axle because there is not a lot of room to put the cylinders under the bed without coming up thru the bed and changing the look of the stone and rats. Spent 8 striaight hours yesterday looking on the net and lowrider madazine and nothing is working out...
Quaralane, your right, i have made my decision and that is to just show the springs on the cups of the hydro cylinders that will be right on the axle that (will fit) and still give the idea of the hydros pancaked flat on the rear. The front will have full cylinders. Well I couldnt leave well enough alone and decided to go with my original idea for spiked chains for a grill. Back to the gamer store.
There bendable so just have to make an edge all the way around that I can attach them to. and with the extra parts left over from the pack will have more chains and spikey things to add to the truck somewhere.
Thanks again everyone for your awesome comments, its whats keeping me from putting this nightmare of a build back in the box. Ok now the grill is taken on a different shape than originally planned, i spent 8 hours carving out the grill surround out of the sign foam because I was going to have the spiked chains something to mount in and I wanted to keep the stone look to continue to the front of the truck. However the spiked chains are so bendable that I was having a problem just getting them shaped to the shape of the front of the truck, so im thinking about putting 5 of these skulls with spinal cord in the grille like an old fifties grille look. Let me know what you all think as the shape of the foam is giving it (in my opinion) a goofy smile look to it.
Of course all the skulls would be looking straight ahead of course just had no way of doing a decent mock up for the display.
Also was thinking of adding this on the tailgate, its off of the gamer details that came with the spikes, unless it will turn into a copy right infringement issue that is....
I think it works big time buddy, really like what ya done with the grill, man you must be wondering who keeps moving that finish line..LOL!!!

I think the tailgate looks awesome and to be honest the amount of dough you`ve spent with `em i reckon you should be entitled to use the logo......... ;D

Terrific work MS

Thank you all for the replies. Not much done this weekend, basically working on some ideas for the paint and deciding on some knock off ideas for the wheels, got to have skulls of course.....DSCN3046.jpg
Killer rims!!!!!!!!!!!! How heavy is this thing gonna be??? LOL Worth every pound!!! ;D
Thanks for the comments, yeah i agree the first one is way to covered, but i like the gear so ill go with a smaller gear and leave the first flat gear off, it will give it a more airy look.

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