Greetings builders. Due to moving house I was not able to partake in the BSC this year so I thought I would still contribute a couple of kits, but in the prize category rather than builds.
I waited till May to give those of you who are not sure they will make it, another push to achieve 'completion over perfection'
I'll be offering 3 kits with a criteria for each one.
1 will be for fellow Southern Hemisphere builders who often have to deal with smaller communities and crazy shipping costs from the larger northern continents. (Time to check you have a flag on ya profile

1 will be for someone who motivates me to build a kit I have in my stash, it does not have to be a kit I have but a R2d2 model might inspire me to build a Star Wars kit, or a figure, or even a gundam, etc etc
The final one will be simple, a build that I just really like that misses out on one of the official SMA prizes/awards.
I'm sure you are wondering what kits are on offer, well to be honest I'm not certain yet, I'll try and get something that fits with the builders 'niche' in some way.
To save on shipping boxes maybe broken down, in particular if there is a lot of wasted space in the box, but everything will be included and securely packed and shipped with tracking where possible.