54mm Andrea Miniatures 1BCE Roman Legionary and Centurion

Hey guys, I still exist. :-X

So I really buggered up the skin and decided I would use that as an excuse to order the Scale 75 paints. Had to wait for those to ship from Spain… Also, not showing you how glorious my bad screw up was. Let's just say my glaze wasn't mixed right so when it dried everything went splotchy.

The skin I think is mostly done now. I just have to do eyeballs, lips, hair, and then the final highlight. I kinda don't want to do the eyes, I know I'll really screw those up. Thinking about just washing the eyes. I mean, 54mm is small. I'm gonna varnish this so that I don't have to do it again. So far I'm happy with the skin, and the Scale 75 paints are friggin glorious. You guys should get one of the sets that you might find useful.

I also spent last weekend building a paint rack for all my paints. My current setup is a disaster. Trip to Home Depot and $20 got me a 3' x 2' rack with 5 shelves. Pretty happy with that. Beats the $150 + shipping I would've spent at Hobbyzone…

Glad to be painting again.



Done the steel bits and the skin bits (minus the eyes, and hair, gonna do that later when I get my hand to be less shakey), based all the other parts as well.




Thanks for looking!


More colour. Finally feel like this thing is getting nearer the end. The red fabric is done, the tunics are done, the scarfs are done, and everything has the right base colour on it. The browns and bronzes need to be highlighted still. Weathering still needs to happen as does final assembly and basing. Also, the faces need to be finished.

So close.
Not quite done but so close. Should be finished tomorrow. Just have to add some weathering. And faces. ::)






Keep it going you can make it :)
By the way it's really Romany this year in the figure category :)
Biskup said:
Keep it going you can make it :)
By the way it's really Romany this year in the figure category :)

Thanks! I was just thinking that as well. I think it's all Roman figs except for two… Spock and C-3P0? I probably missed one.

All done. I don't have a good camera and the lighting is now kinda crap so the photos are a touch blurry. Also, I messed up the eyes and it really shows up. But in real life it's not noticeable. Also, I'm leaving them blank because you can't see them that well from my shelf and I'd rather have zero eyes than a messed up face. I'm going to wash them with some of that Games Workshop skin tone wash and that's it. Maybe. Otherwise I'm happy with how they turned out. They'll be entered as two separate entries.

Anyway, thanks for looking. As always, fun times had.









Cool thou the eyes are really scary. Please do add irises. In this scale a vertical line in the middle will look a lot better than nothing. Trust me :) also a highly diluted wash will blend those together and push the white a bit to the back :)
Biskup said:
Cool thou the eyes are really scary. Please do add irises. In this scale a vertical line in the middle will look a lot better than nothing. Trust me :) also a highly diluted wash will blend those together and push the white a bit to the back :)

Thanks for the advice. Yeah I think I might repaint the face. But that'll be a future project. I've slowly run out of time and I don't think Scott will give us another extension. I guess technically I have 6 hours left to try and do something about those horrible eyes. :'(
Well, that was a failed eyeball attempt. Definitely needs a new face now. #ragequit

Not gonna submit mine. Figures without faces aren't really completed figures. 😖
Biskup said:
No worries. Try that in future it's really forth having the eyes done.

Thanks. I will. I just have incredibly shakey hands. I need more practice. Or maybe I should be looking for figures that have something covering their eyes. ;D ;D ;D
Have a drink before painting the eyes :)
It helps with the shaky hands and if it doesn't help it helps you not to care ;)
I totally agree with Biskup, I same my detail painting for later in the day after the coffee has worn off and I have a pint or three in me.
I wish I could do the eyes first, but I'm not good at doing the super smooth transitions from shadows to highlights. So I airbrush it. But that leaves me with painting microscopic details afterwards and not even the H&S 10/0 brush or the W&N 3/0 & Cotman 0 rigger help out.

Oh well, you know what that means. Practice, practice, practice.

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