A-1H or Do335A, visit to Hobby shop tomorrow

If you are anything like me, kits that I want, but I don't buy; I can't find later and regret not buying it when it was in my hands. If finances is an issue, the SkyRaider, IMO.
Not many like ordnance but once it's on....we love ordnance.

There is a story though, Dad flew in Oscar Deuce Skymaster and OV-10 as observer in 1969. Had 24 missions and had flying crew cert. A-1H flew missions along side the O-2 Skymaster and OV-10 but as an enlisted observer there was not a specific ship he flew in.

The 335A looks cool too.
I thoroughly enjoyed the skyraider build. Since posting these photos I have mounted it on a base like I do all my builds. Really fun build but the directions call for gray undersided which I did and in actuallity it should be white from photos I've seen. You have an enourmous amount of stores to choose from with that kit. I screwed up the first round I was going to use but there were plenty more to use.
I thoroughly enjoyed the skyraider build. Since posting these photos I have mounted it on a base like I do all my builds. Really fun build but the directions call for gray undersided which I did and in actuallity it should be white from photos I've seen. You have an enourmous amount of stores to choose from with that kit. I screwed up the first round I was going to use but there were plenty more to use.
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Fantastic piece, I think on the side of the box it does suggest the gray...and one variant white I think....but could be wrong
Fantastic piece, I think on the side of the box it does suggest the gray...and one variant white I think....but could be wrong
From what I found out they were left over Navy birds and the AF camoed them up but left the Navy white underneath. But in my opinion the gray works too. ;)
If you can afford both, do that. If you have to choose, the 335 is much more interesting to me.
Just an observation…

The recent reissues of Tamiya 1/48 planes which include vehicles kits, e.g. P-47D with jeep, seem to have prices that are lower than the original issues. I recently bought a 1/48 Ki-61 Hien which included a 4X4 Light Vehicle Kurogane. This kit was about $10 cheaper than the original issue of the kit which was sitting right on top of it on the store shelf. All the Tamiya 1/48 scale aircraft kits that are bundled with a vehicle appear to be significantly less expensive than original issues without a vehicle. Seems like a deal to me.
Just an observation…

The recent reissues of Tamiya 1/48 planes which include vehicles kits, e.g. P-47D with jeep, seem to have prices that are lower than the original issues. I recently bought a 1/48 Ki-61 Hien which included a 4X4 Light Vehicle Kurogane. This kit was about $10 cheaper than the original issue of the kit which was sitting right on top of it on the store shelf. All the Tamiya 1/48 scale aircraft kits that are bundled with a vehicle appear to be significantly less expensive than original issues without a vehicle. Seems like a deal to me.
Interesting, I've noticed the same thing in store.....I remember it vividly holding boxes in my hand wondering which one to get and deciding to get the kit, $10 less with a cool truck.....I have the P-51, P-47 and maybe a 109 or 190....

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