A Bit of Fun

I seem to remember that as a kid in the 70s in upstate NY...maybe CBC reruns or something?
You must remember commander Tom and creepy Uncle Bobby with Bimbo the clown...weird stuff back then on the old boob tube
or Rocketship 7...lmao
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I'm about the youngest here so far, it seems!

On a side note, before Robotech every morning, if I got up too early, this was on before my cartoons:


All I remember from that show is that Daniel Boone was a man... yes a BIG man.
Pundits say that the younger generation have an attention span of literally seconds... I wonder how they would fare with a 15 minute TV show where the action was drawn on a flip pad in real time!
Oogly Woogly, who lived in an apple!

oogly woogly.jpg
Reading the responses from you folks is digging up memories...

Too lazy to search for pics, I'll just put some it text form. Your memory will find it. Or not.

Mr. French, Buffy and Jody went to see Mr. GreenJeans and Bunny Rabbit. It was a Family Affair. And Mister Ed the talking horse, was hanging out with My Favorite Martian talking smack about Combat!. The Petticoats were on the railroad water tank at the Junction while I Dreamed of Jeanie. I was Bewitched.

All in the Family hung out with the Looney Toons in the Dark Shadows. While the Partridge Family met up with the Brady Bunch, just taking One Day at a Time.

It was some Happy Days on the Green Acres. Mr. Rogers even took us on a field trip to ..... (You guys finish this memory madness)... Sesame Street...

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