A Bit of Fun


Gigantor was awesome, but it wasn't on long. I was always searching channels for it.

Clunk. No. Clunk, no. Clunk. No.

Well, that was it - we only had like 4 channels.
Remember visiting my cousins in New Jersey, in '64, they had Superman!... And a DDT truck that came by to control the mosquitoes and all the kids followed it on their bicycles!
How cool is that? All we had was a milk truck, a garbage truck, the furnace oil truck and a bread truck... :confused:

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another weird one ,

HR Puff N Stuff is why we have issues like WOKE and the Biden administration.

Tore up from the floor up.
The world ended and everyone went to watch this when it came on. Even our local church changed its bible study days/time based on when it was on TV...

We didn't watch much TV when we were kids.
Mostly Saturday morning cartoon.
My main man Wile E. of course.
And then these five. Batman.
We were in bed by 8:00 and even 9:00 later still into high school. Military Dad.
Dad, had us sit in the kitchen with a black and white 13 inch sitting on one of the chairs and watched the moon landing.
He said, 'you never see anything like this again in your lifetime'. It hasn't been surpassed.






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