A pride of big Cats : panther project(s)


New Member
May 8, 2010
A few years ago I went to Aberdeen proving Grounds, While I was greatly saddened by the poor condition of most of the armor in the museums collection (they really are doing the best they can with nothing) I got my hands on a couple of books. These books started a unhealthy for the credit card panther fascination.

If you are going to start a Panther tank project, these are fantastic References:

Panzer Tracts No 5-1(D), No 5-2(D) and 5-3 (G) panzerkampfwagen

New Vanguard : panther Medium tank 1942-45 and panther Variants 1942-45 http://www.ospreypublishing.com/

Panther in Action http://www.squadronsignalpublications.com/

PanzerWrecks 1 through X, http://www.panzerwrecks.com/ (these are GREAT if you want a specific vehicle or a damaged vehicle, these are also mostly unpublished images)

This is ( and has been) a long term project, It has stalled several times since I started collecting kits. Only the Late Panther G came even close to finished and its is still missing some fittings partly because I would like to find a specific tank. I then started the Early Panther G and applied sheet Zimmerite made by Cavalier.

Eventually I want a shelf with several panthers on it of each type, towards that end I have:

a (early tamiya) Panther A kit
Tamiya, Panther G Early production
Tamiya, Panther G Late production
Tamiya, Panther G mid with steel road wheels
Dragon, Panther A Early production

I have not come across a Panther D kit yet (suggestions?)

What I am looking for from the rest of you is suggestions and ideas on finishing, (any specific tanks out there?) camo schemes ? other ideas? Suggestions on a Panther D kit? What brought this post about is I finally took them back out of there box and start considering finishing them up since I have to wait for the Shervick project to finish rusting :p and have to resist touching it for the first time in several days. for a few days at a time, I find I NEED something on my bench to keep me busy in the mean time.

two mostly done Panther Gs slightly busted up and slightly unfinished.
WOW! You are on a Panther kit. I don't have any suggestions on the schemes though since I don't know much about the Panthers yet. I usually don't tend to look into a history of a plane/ship/vehicle until I sit down to start one.

It sounds like the same type of obsessions I have with B-17s lol

I did some touch up airbrushing on the ambush scheme panther, I also started weathering it with a light dusting of XF57 Buff to represent dust. Since my last update I have also installed odds and ends like tracks and stowage, Now if I can find the missing hatch and tailpipe this tank will be ready for oil paint washes and some highlights.

The other panther G was initially in panther yellow. I had already sprayed it olive drab to cover up some blemishes left from repairing the zimmerit panels (which were starting to peel) Since I had the paint mixed up sprayed in the camo scheme matching The Tiger held in *Germany roughly anyway. I have a lot of deatiling to do on this tank yet, including tracks stowage, Odds and ends that have gone missing.

I need to do something after this mornings clear coating disaster on my contest entry.

linkage Surviving panthers
*Panther Ausf. G late, with a reproduction of the FG 1250 Nachtsichtgerät (infra-red system)
Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung Koblenz (Germany) â€" running condition
This tank was built at the Panther factory under the direction of the British Army REME at the end of the war. It was previously owned
by the Shrivenham Study Collection (Trevor Larkum). It is currently on off-site storage
I'm a fan of the big cats too, and the Panther (in any variant) has always been my favorite. It just looks like a tank that means business. That said, have you ever considered building a model of one pressed into service by the allies? Panthers were captured and used by the Canadians, British, Polish, U.S., French and a few others. Probably the most well documented one being a Panther G captured by the British and named "Cuckoo". Or how about one dressed up to resemble an M-10, used during the Ardennes offensive?

I found a forgotten 1/48 scale Tamiya Hetzer tank destroyer while cleaning, I was considering entering it in the contest as well, but I have another second project in mind. I want to try out some different airbrush schemes on this model before I build my next panther. I also have a GIANT box of busted up models that I need to fix up, mostly shermans.
sweet Kittys ! Its such a shame the focus doesnt catch them in some of the shots, the camo looks great.

I have a Panther A that I want to build next. Something about the shape of this tank is just so mean.
I tired out the salt and hairspray technique for the first time tonight while I waited for my Dornier paint to dry. I scooped up the Hetzer and applied a even coat of panzer yellow, then with a lump in my throat I clear coated it and applied the hairspray, followed by a healthy coating of salt and sea salt. followed by more hairspray. Once I was sure it was dry , I dusted the model with white! Let that dry (and then dusted off the salt, scrubbing with a worn out flat brush and a stippling brush. WOW, what a effect. I am sure it will get better with practice. I finished the build up with a coating of mud using MIG powders and tamiya thinner. Once again, I took 40 odd images and my camera refuses to cooperate, here are the best of them though.
