Academy 1/35 Abrams "Iraq 2003"


New Member
Oct 2, 2013
Hello all! This is my first post on here and I'm getting my feet wet on an Academy Abrams. I do have some modeling experience in model railroading, but armor and aircraft are totally different animals and I would appreciate any help or tips you guys care to give! Here is a progress pic with the upper and lower hulls assembled and the turret started. The desert sand color I picked up might have been a bit too light. At least my buddy tells me it is. I kinda dig it (and used it for oil tanks on my model RR), but think it should have been closer to the molded color. Let me know what y'all think and I will be happy to answer any questions I can!

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Looks like a clean build. If you plan to weather it, even a little, it will darken the color. Honestly I wouldn't stress over it too much...have fun and have fun.
Looks like a super clean build to me! Don't worry about the paint job, you can always darken it up if you'd like.
Looks great. Definitely wouldn't worry about being too light. Weathering will always darken it up. Its easier to get it to darken up than to lighten during weathering.
Update time! Got a lot done on the turret and I'm getting close to the home stretch before the fun of weathering and beating it up a bit starts. ;D Here are a few pics along with one of my weathering materials. Or at least some of them. If any of you guys can give me tips on weathering armor I would appreciate it.

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Here's a tip on taking pictures. Turn the camera 90%, so I don't get a krick in my neck ;D Do you have any weathering wash paint? If so, a light pin wash would accentuate allot of the details.
Sorry Bruce. My laptop died and I'm waiting until payday to build a new desktop so I'm stuck with my phone for now and posting from this thing is not as easy. Anyway, to answer your question, I do have plenty of washes and might use a thin grimy black. Should darken up the model overall and pick out the details. Whe n I start rusting and adding dirt buildup, where should I concentrate? Never weathered a tank and my picture search isn't giving me any good and dirty pics to use as references.

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