Academy F6F-5 HELLCAT 1/72

You are welcome Austin!

Your whole family will be very grateful you have done one! Less, bad fumes all over the house! Better for everbody's health.

Thanks for the channel sub.


this is the junior's section? when i was around his age my models looked like garbage. He's a natural! good job my friend.
:) Oh, man, Austin, your model is really nice, you pay a lot of attention to techniques... and all that in 1:72... really Very good...

What a "spicy" touch, the bullet holes ! :)

Your videos ar great-small shows, we´ll be following the Helldiver, sure, Austin ;)

Follow Scweinhund´s advice... if the weather (cold) allows you... while you get the booth... better fully open the window of your room... the organic volatile compounds from the enamels, thinners, and alcohol in the Tamiya paints are really fast getting into one´s Central Nervous System through breathing... again, whilst trying to get the spray boot, it would be very advisable to use a detachable mask with organic filter... ask your seniors to buy a mask with MIXED filter, specify that it is for working with organic compounds "white spirit" type and with low alcohol airborne concentrations...

Keep on, Austin...
Cheers, and Congratulations,
Thanks man.

For now I am only working with the window open and a box fan draining air out. Luckily, until I get a spray booth, the cold won't be a that much problem down here in Florida. 8)

Great work!!

I got a question, or a cry for help more.. :) I got the Academy hellcat kit:2224 but lost the insctructions, any chans you can take a photo of each page and mail me?? I´d appreciate that more than you can believe!!

dangerousdave said:
Great work!!

I got a question, or a cry for help more.. :) I got the Academy hellcat kit:2224 but lost the insctructions, any chans you can take a photo of each page and mail me?? I´d appreciate that more than you can believe!!


Hey Austin Great work , i was woundering if you went to the IPMS nationals here in orlando! also its hard to find a Youth/ Junior like my self to have an airbrush, i thought i was the only one who had one ;D like to see your work in person and give you some of my techniques ;O Keep up the awsome work


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