AFV Club M1126 Stryker

Nice work on the Lense.... I love it personally !

If you don't mind a little hint ! get those Smoke discharger banks, wired! it will bring yet another level of details which isn't supplied in the kit....!


image from Primeportal for discussion only // by Hans-Hermann Bühling .

Otherwise... very nice machine !

Ugh, with the decal SNAFU (Can't order replacements and expect them to get here in time for me to weather the vehicle), I think I'm out of the contest. Heck, with all that stowage, and the backsides of it still curing from primer, I don't know if I would have finished everything to my liking anyways. Oh well, better luck next year, I guess. :'(
Okay, I had my hissy-fit and I'm finished now. :p I forgot that I had some clear inkjet-friendly decal film lying around, so I spent the last couple hours redoing the decals in MS Word & printing them.

I don't have any of the decal-bonder spray, but I've heard of people using Testor's DullCote rattlecans or Future through the AB. Any experience with that?
HAHA! YES! THIS is what I like to see! A complete 360 turn ladies and gentlemen, this contender will certainly not go down without a fight!

Time couldn't clock him, glue couldn't stop him, and surely uncooperative decals will not either! ;D

Great stuff ND, you've modeled a monster. Now get 'er done! :)
Still swinging!
Decals and strapped towing pintles. Managed to save the big colored decals from the sheet, and made my own black detail decals.
Jerry cans, more towing pintles and straps, lenses, etc. Had a mishap with the shovel, but it should be covered up with hanging rucksacks and other assorted gear.
I NEED to AB the stowage soon!! It's been raining here forever. Weather is supposed to be better tomorrow, with low humidity all day. I'll clearcoat the vehicle then and get on with some weathering.

Happy modelling! :D
IMPRESSIVE ! recovery my friend ! 10 extra points for ya !!! free of charge ! for Pure Dedication and hard work !

You saved the day !!!

Wicked machine ! she is a Beauty !
3 nights to go!
Color filter & pin wash. Rain marks & mud tomorrow.
While that dried...
Here's the stuff that needed detail painting. The rest of the ammo cans and water jerries are finished too. However, the MOLLE/ALICE rucksacks got a bad coat of paint. I blame trying to airbrush Vallejo Model Color. That's probably what made that really pebbly finish on the Stryker. From now on, I'll stick to the idiot-proof Tamiya for the airbrush. Speaking of which, they should be dry now after a soak & scrub in Simple Green and ready for their base color. I'm going for the greyish Army digicam on the MOLLE gear for some color variation over the model.
As much as I can. Tonight: straps for the stowage, periscope stickers, and dust wash. Tomorrow will be minor touch-ups and final dullcoat. That should be it!
Some dust tomorrow, and I'm calling it done! Who thought that watching paint dry (and clear varnish at that) could be so exciting?

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