Airfix 1:72 AW Seahawk


New Member
Jan 22, 2011
just started tonight ,, ..needs work on parts fitting.

don't know how I'm going to paint the pilot .. I need some real tiny brushes.

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I assembled the wings, fins,and fuse than glued them together , the pilot and seat can drop into the cockpit so I'm doing that later..I did add some nose weight ,the plans called for 5 grms.

the fit of the wing parts and fit to fuse were not good .I removed the keys between the wings and fuse to better sand the mating surfaces flat and align them.

once dried I had some filling and sanding to do,,I shot a light coat of primer to check my work.
the sanding/ fitting removed some of the light raised paneling.. what little there is.

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once the filling sanding was done , I sprayed annother light coat of primer. and decided to mark out the panel lines per the 3 views in the plans in pencil.
I'm going to practice a bit of panel line scribing, annother skill I am unfamiliar with. I did a bit of practice scribing a section of the belly and it went along pretty easy.
Lots of scribing practice to go .

I might add some extra details not included in the model as I go.

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the tools I used were a dental pick, 1/8" chartpack tape and 1/2" wide adhesive back metal measure tape.
the tape was cut to size and width as needed.

the metal tape was something I had laying around from a job and I must say it works very well ! however it is somewhat ridged so small curves are not possible but the chartpack tape took care of that.

for my first scribing job I'm very pleased,,I made some mistakes but a dab of filler here and there removed them.

some of the more finely detailed "panels"( like behind the canopy) will be done with a decal.

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Great job on the scribing - and your first attempt at that. You have it down man.
got some painting today. I had to mix up some colors , createx and airbrush medium for thinning.

in the model pics the grey is white ..need to adjust my camera ..the colors are exactly what are shown on the color swatch.

next up decaling a little wash and final seal.
the Landing Gear and bombs/tanks are just stuck on for the photos,, they won't be secured untill the end.

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