AMT 1/43 X-wing "the Last Dogfight"

eh up buddy lovin ya mods ace,i`m doin a 1/72 and tryin to add as much detail as i can without over doin it,sweet work mym8
Good to see your progress here... Keep on the good work. :)
eh up mym8,lovin ya mod work on the torpedo tubes,nice touch hope to see some more soon.cheers peza
Thanks, Peza.

Time to update things on the build.

Got the pilot done. I put a small piece of foam into place on the pilot's chest to simulate the computer thing the X-wing pilots wore.
The suit got a base coat of red, while the gloves and boots were painted in with black.
I painted in what can be seen of the face with an old flesh color, then gave the whole figure a black wash to help bring out the detail.
The helmet's visor was then picked out with a metallic blue.

Glued the fuselage together while I was waiting for the pilot figure to dry.

Surprisingly little seamwork needed to be done on the fuselage itself. Mostly on the panels to either side of the wing hole.

I left the center core of the stock wing assembly inside both to add detail, and give me something to aid in attaching the wings later.

Masked the canopy off after inserting the pilot into the cockpit, and then primered up the fuselage

I realized that I would need some gap-filling/extra gluing surface near the wing roots for when I( glue them to the fuselage.
To that end, I added some plastic to the wing assemblies near the engines.

Wing assemblies in primer.

The now-white fuselage of the plane

And her very red wings.

Youtube link:
AMT X-wing-The Last Dogfight-Part 4
Your white paint is perfect. I'm kinda jealous :)

The red wing seems to be a little orange. Is that a problem with the picture itself... ?
:eek:lookin sweet mym8!lovin ya progress,been bein abit on mine today,i`ll do me update after i`ve sent this....nice work! cheers peza
Thanks, guys. :D

I think that's likely due to a problem with the pic. Camera was complaining that it was too dark, so I turned on the second light
OK; i've seen your beautiful red color on video. Great job ! :)
Time for the final update on the build.

Yep, I said final.

Got primer on the engines.

Followed by a coat of Testors' Graphite Dust Laquer

Masked off the cockpit and painted the framing in red

Masked off and painted the aft detail sections in a dark metallic, followed by a drybrush of silver

Detail sections on the interior of the wings was painted in with a dark metallic.
The engine details were then drybrushed with silver

Decalled the wings and the fuselage, including splicing together the 'shark mouth' for the nose

Wingtip cannons were assembled and painted with aluminum, then glued to the now-attached wing assemblies.
The engine cans were glued in using Epoxy for strength, while the wings themselves were attached to the fuselage with CA glue.

Lastly, some weathering was added by drybrushing areas with both Vallejo Smoke, and a mix of the smoke and black.

Finished build pics:





Youtube link:
AMT X-wing-The Last Dogfight-Part 5-Finale
Looks great Q! Love the colour scheme and the decalling, especially the shark mouth! 8)
eh up buddy,smart job there mym8,nice to see it all done.have you had any thoughts on ya next mission?

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