Funny you should say that...Not much.
Had to sadly let work get in the way
I'll get some photos of some ideas I have for the engine light and get them up today if I can sneak away from work.
You'd think working from home I'd have set my office desk up next to my model desk so I could work on models while on Zoom meetings, but nope, didn't think of that did I.

But no rush man.
Seeing you start this thing a while back made me go back to mine... I spend like 2 weeks measuring the ERTL one against the plans from RPF, I don't remember the guys name. I sanded and cut and got ready to make the basic shape from FDM, only to realize that the mandibles are really way off... So I decided to scratch them, but where to get all the blastic, or any other material for that matter... I did find some, tho I never got around to buying it. First work hit me full on... Then life in general and finally the realization that this would cost quite a bit and I hadn't even started to research all the greebles, some I figured I'd source, some I'd scratch...
But it's a can of worms... Ones you open it... It's out and it never stops.
Anyway... I put it aside and went back to my m41.
But I can tell you this. It's not a secret, but a lot of people still think it's so. The cockpit tube is not too small, just too long. And I still think reducing the side walls to 12 mm will make the biggest impact.
Anyway, I now have an excel sheet with the calculations on what the measurements of the ERTL model should be, if it was to have the same proportions as the ANH 5 footer.
I think the worst realisation was that it might actually be easier to just build it from scratch.
So... Take your time, and put it away when it just gets too annoying, but keep at it, for all our sakes.
Thank you