Angel Flight-Starbuck's Last Ride

Q I have this kit in my stash and was waiting to see an essentially oob build of it. nice work so far. Curious as to what you use for your washes?
Thanks, guys.
Thanks. The variations are rattlecan, believe it or not. And they weren't intentional.
And, while I do have one, I haven't really set up to work with the airbrush yet.

Glad you're liking it.
The main wash I use is about 2-3 parts Future to one part black acrylic craft paint.
Great looking build and I love the theme. You're going to make me break out my BSG box set aren't ya Q?
Thanks, Spud

Guilty as charged, CT.

A bunch of work done on this today.

Gave the engines a wash of black, and then drybrushed them in silver. Followed that with a drybrush of Vallejo smoke to simulate the burnt look of the engines after use.

Painted the inset sections of the fuselage in a color similar to Graphite Dust, as well as the canopy framing.
The insets were given a wash of black and a similar tratment as the engines.

Assembled the pilot
Gave her a base coat of interior green
followed by a black wash
Drybrushed the whole figure in gold, then went in and picked out her belt, boots and gloves in black.
The control stick in her hand was painted black, then drybrushed in silver.
The visor of her helmet was painted a light metallic blue.
I also put the decals for the patches on her shoulders into place.

Youtube link:
Angel Flight-Starbuck's Last Ride-Part 3
Great work so far, Q!
Really pushes me to build another couple of MkII's. This bird left me some good memories after working on it.. Its now flashbacks ;D
Thanks for all the complements, guys.

Yeah, at about 1/16" across, those things were TINY
Actually, she's nearly done now, myhobbyroom.
Got the next-to-last chapter churning on my system as I write this.
Got working on the decals today.
With only a couple of exceptions, All of the decals have been applied to the model now.

I did "cheat" on a couple of sections, though.
On the lower engines and the nose, I painted those areas using Model Master "Italian Red" that I decanted as a fix.

Closeup showing the custom decals I added to give Kara the correct rank and ship number for what I'm depicting.

Youtube link:
Angel Flight-Starbuck's Last Ride-Part 4
Great tips with those decals, and it is good to know what paint matches the color of the decals!!

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