At this moment

My neighbors wife asked me to show her how to make tomato sauce. I just picked up some fresh ingredients from the market and I will be going next door to watch football with her husband and coach her on sauce. Literally kill two birds with one stone. Hallelujah!
Finally got some of that elusive "spare time" coming. Only one item on todays agenda - an important meeting with our plant committee and union business agent over lunch. So I reckon I'll get started on my Secret Santa gift, take care of business, then drive back home and get back to the bench. Hopefully before the wife can find anything else for the honey-do list.
Been painting the French tankers on the Hotchkiss Secret Santa I received...should have that all done in a week or so...then I need to finish the Jagdpanther and get moving on the Moskito...but am really excited about my next figure project.

I'm planning on Verlinden's 120mm USN Pacific WWII pilot and really want to put it on a carrier deck base. I bought the 3/8" basswood for the decking...and plan on having strip styrene in between for the tie down recreate the holes for it, I think I'll enlist my wife's Photoshop skills to make me a decal of the holes shown here...
Woof, just dropped $107 on 34 pots of paint and some Allclad Primer and colors.....on the upside, I got a free calendar and half price shipping ! :)
TBadger said:
Woof, just dropped $107 on 34 pots of paint and some Allclad Primer and colors.....on the upside, I got a free calendar and half price shipping ! :)

LOL I dont think you can ever have too much paint can you lol. What brand of Paint did you drop the Benjamin on ?
17 Vallejo 13 Tamiya (23ml) 2 Allclad II

I was talking to Iain from AK and possibly have another $90 worth of their products coming my way. I should be set for a year off of those purchases alone.
Ha ha nice. What determines what amount you order from each Tamiya and Vallejo ? Colors or matching as close as you can or ???? I remember here towards the end of last year (2012) You stated that you were already about maxed with your 2013 model budget ha ha ha ha, the amount of stuff Ive seen you order in the past few weeks good lord it would take me 4 years and 3 christmases to order all that stuff ha ha ha ha ha. Id love to be able to order a stash of paint like that at one clip. Awesome stuff my friend.
you can never have too much paint :D haven't you seen my bench ;D

Nice haul badger
It's just a little easier to splurge because of being in the Navy and having almost everything paid for. Once I move back to Pa and come back to the real world, I'll be purchasing MUCH MUCH MUCH less. Mainly because having a home and a vehicle are more important than buying plethoras of paint, supplies, and kits.
hooterville75 said:
Ha ha nice. What determines what amount you order from each Tamiya and Vallejo ? Colors or matching as close as you can or ????

I too have the same question. I have buying a few Vallejo here and there as I am just getting back into it. But i have noticed many benches have several brands, just curious as to what drives the decision to mix the various products on hand?
Every paint has it's own characteristics and slightly different shades. Using the Vallejo and Tamiya as examples I cannot hand brush anything with Tamiya but I can with Vallejo (mind I am terrible at hand brushing anyway), on the other hand for airbrushing I prefer Tamiya.
Ravhin said:
Every paint has it's own characteristics and slightly different shades. Using the Vallejo and Tamiya as examples I cannot hand brush anything with Tamiya but I can with Vallejo (mind I am terrible at hand brushing anyway), on the other hand for airbrushing I prefer Tamiya.

Not to mention the fact that all us modelers seem to be genetically linked to rabid Pack Rats, and love our desks filled with the colour of of our scale worlds, and the more stuff we can cram into our micro size space the happier we become. And having as many bits and bobs as we can find (by hook or by crook ;) ) displayed for all to see, is what makes a "happy spot" for us.

Hoarding goes hand in hand with this hobby, you never know when you are going to need that one peculiar shade of paint, or that one bottle cap, or the piece off of that blister pack your tooth brush came in ..........


P.S. nice collection of paints! (just trying to bring this back on subject)
just Back from Splurging on Shopping..... what a waste i wanted to spend it on model stuff but oh no she said we needed to eat. pft women what do they know??

And Tamiya sprays really nice and you cant beat Vallejo for brush painting
Just got home. First day at work 0630-1730. This first day back was not good to me
TBadger said:
Just got home. First day at work 0630-1730. This first day back was not good to me

Kick the recliner back with a cold captain Morgan and coke with your SMA Magazine and chillax for the night. Things will get better I promise :D
I just ordered a couple of armour kits from Modelik in Poland. A Morris scout car and a Jagdpanzer IV.
I have never ordered a proper paper card kit before, always used the free ones. The detail on these is fantastic.
These are 1/25 and will show what they are like when I receive them.

Just brought this Bronco kit 1/35 7.62cm FK36(r) auf 5t Zugkraftwagen "Diana" SdKfz.6/3 :D
Still trying to wrap my head around the fact that the computer I recently bought, got shipped with no operating system...wich makes it a 1200$ brick :-[
I just picked up the Moebius 1/128 4 window Seaview with the Flying Sub for under $100.00 at Replicon.

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