Re: Bad Kitty!!
Thank you Andy!!

Go for it buddy!! They are fun and they can be rather quick too. Since they are inherently working vehicles, there is no worries about a shinny finish...however, careful...they can be just as addicting I think!! :

Once you get a kit with a nice motor or interior, you'll find yourself right back in the same boat!! ;D
Hello gents!!
Here is a bit of an update. I finished…
preliminary…chipping. So to bring things up to speed, step #8 hair spray, #9 base color, #10 was chipping and now 11..more clear coat. Tomorrow I will begin stages to shift some color and possibly add some camo (not a huge camo guy, so stick around for me to F something up). Blah Blah Blah…
Here is some of that preliminary chipping. As I go through some of the other paint stages, this will be better, hopefully, explained to why I am going this root
The chipping seems a bit erratic, heavy and choppy at the moment. After the next few coats go on, I will be able to bring back some of this chipping, but it will be more controlled.
I had one little set back, not too big of a deal. I noticed a bit of the barrel seam. I sanded it down already and base coated it again. With any luck the barrel will catch up with the rest of this tomorrow.
Thanks for coming along and please watch your step as you exit the bus!!