Bandai , Mecha Collection #15

I re-Metalized her ..

As you'd expect , the repeated coating of gloss-coat are obliterating the details .
The panel lines would need to be re-scribed in order to add color to them and that will most likely not end well .
.. so that won't happen ::)

She got much darker and now looks more like she's milled out of aluminum 8)

The camera is in normal , auto setting : ( maybe those other pics are in auto mode also -- I switch back&forth to see what I get and don't really keep track :p )


This test is complete 8)

The next one I'll color prior to assembly so I can be assured super panel lines ...

Cheers ,
She has a look .. ;D

That was a good test .
I think I should have very slowly and deliberately applied the powder .
Maybe it would have not turned out so smokey ???

Of course , doing it twice made it really dark .

It's interesting ;D to say the least

Hey , Jason !
Get my contact info for the transparent decal info ?

I'm thinking when I get the other Murasame kits , I can paint / metalize the pieces and be able to swap them around between the 3 to make different color combo's ;D LOL

Cheers ,
urumomo said:
LOL - that's just a really heavy gloss-coat ;D

She's on her way to the Metalizing yard in that pic ....

In fact , 2200 is in about 30 minutes . ;)
I had done some touch-up and sprayed more gloss-coat on her last night so I wanted it all to fully cure before I go rubbing on it .

Be posting some Metalized pics here shortly --- sounds like it's pretty simple .

I've got my assortment of Tamiya swabs to help out in the nooks and crannies 8)

Oh , and those panels aren't black , but German Dark Cammo Green

Ha ha ::) That clear coat came out cool anyway. Ok, now that really makes a difference. I like it. Now I can see the green color. Looks like you could get pretty versatile with this stuff.
Maybe get a thin Gundam paint marker to add the panel lines back in- then rock out with hull decals

Maybe the metalized look works as a laser refractive surface- just bouncing beams all over and taking no damage (assuming they euck heat away with sinks or thermocouples).

Am I the only one that puts WAY too much thought into my models?

I'd probably add some non-metalized greebles too. It'd give a nice contrast to have some parts matter painted.
better pics

This isn't supposed to be scale accurate --- it's artsy-fartsy ;D

I don't know if decals are appropriate ... ??? I'll try em out ..
They should be over-size ,, soap-box derby style 8)

This is what it actually looks like .
I have it sitting above my work-bench and I really like it ..

thanx , Q

I think it's pretty neat stuff ..

I think that the acrylic may have benefited from a longer cure ( ??? ) -- it may have been too soft and that's what caused the uneven " smokiness " .. . More was ground into some areas than others .

I'll certainly need to experiment further ;D

Cheers !
Somehow I missed this whole thread....

Interesting to catch up with it. With such a small model, it would be hard to paint.