Berlin 45

Thanks Lads
One more advertising column ,and i promise its the last for now, they had these in clear glass as well were they put stuff inside im going for the colored glass as me plastic got fogged up.
the rectangle shaped box will go over the steps to the ubhan, again the glass with the station name and other info has been smashed,there is a few rubbish bins ,abit more tarting up of the cable pole,few pics,
Hi Klaus
The plan for this side is to have soviet troops attacking towards the tram and entering the u bahn station, im hoping to have some activity in a sewer part to the front of the dio and at the bottom of the steps in the station,and if i get this side done before i bail out i plan on doing a german side behind the tram:),
few pics looking down the street.
Hi all
Ok I started what ive been afraid of all along painting the thousands of russian troops that attacked Berlin
well i have a good blast of them anyway, im starting from the end a the street up towards the tram so the gun crew will b first, lots a khaki ,so im just using different shades some dark some light and some greens.
Picked up a set a figs a while back that i was after got them well cheeeep so very happy may include some a them we will see.
Thank you ,
Ok left the figs again
not for long made a tree and a light that shows that there is an island in the road for tram and bus stops and such ,made from a chess piece and afew other bits will need to make another one later on,
the tree is made up from a few twigs super glued to a larger bit of a branch with some diluted model filler to hide the joins and to replicate some bark,
the grate and protection bars i will do again as the superglue i was using was crap
In the last pic you can see the lights between the two trams
Got most a these chaps done to a point still a bit to be done and all the heads , got a bit sidetracked again, mixed a bit a magic sculp sort a few bits and mixed way too much again so rather than waste it i used it on me sofa ,witch was made with some blue foam and the sculp to shape around the top a the sofa. that blue foam is great gear to work with, i reckon i could a shaped that sofa better with just the foam ,next time :eek:j
In the Pics i have another of the traffic island lights but wats of great interest is to the right of the pic is the MOKA EFTI any body that watched the great tv series BABYLON BERLIN will be familiar with ,if you havent watched it get watching [smilie=thumbsup02.gif] .
APqzypQ.jpg EPnBj3b.jpg
Great building progress. Especially liking that tree and guard rail for it and the advertisement kiosks. Lots of detail.
Hi All

Hope you are all doing well, not done a lot a modeling in the last while but hope to get back in to things again , did all the things we all do bought more kits ,paint and bits and bobs ,gathered reference ,now time to use it all ,
Got some timber painted up for the floors that collapsed ,just got to get it glued in place as realistically as possible.
Very nice work. Working on trying to view your video, but the link fails. Any other way to access your video?

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