BF 109 G6 (Pegasus Hobbies 1:48)


cut. glue. paint. repeat.
May 24, 2009
Hey guys,

Now that I've finished up my builds for the Navy/Marine GB, thought I would start some thing new. I'm kind of waiting for some AM parts to arrive for another project, and I'm trying to finish up some shelf queens < :p sigh :p>- so I wanted to build something easy, fun & quick. Plus I wanted to really practice some free hand camouflage with my airbrush. <Chuckles> no PE, no resin AM, no concerns as to a really accurate interior.

I thought the Pegasus kits would fit the build perfectly. I started on Friday, by Saturday evening I had he cockpits done, and this morning I started putting the fuselage together.

In addition to this BF 109, I'm building a Pegasus FW 190.,4802.0.html

Thanks for looking, comments welcome.

Jason (JMac)

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I really have an urge for a 109 ;D must get round to it !

Looks good Jason ,the cockpit looks good too ... ,I look forward to the camo ...and the 190 :)

It's a classic. :) I've a couple in the stash. I'm hoping to build up some painting chops (and AB courage) with this one before I tackle my Academy BF 109-T2.
Dont fear the AB buddy ,its only paint and can be redone easy ,become comfortable with it and you wont look back ,its a major step in progressing your modelling ,not that there is anything wrong with your modelling ,just saying the more at ease you are with the AB ...the better it gets and you dont have to limit yourself to certain camo's or schemes ;)

Thanks for the encouragement. :)

I've been using an airbrush for a few years now, but I've pretty much always masked everything. That works fine for some subjects, but a lot of my builds tend to linger - partially because of masking and painting. This year I really wanted to improve my AB painting and speed up my build process as general goals. I just want to get a good feel for doing camouflage, and adding some more depth and variation to my paint schemes. Besides I'd not want to strip paint off of a kit with lots of cockpit details and resin aftermarket parts (the paint strippers would likely attack the CA glue).

Good stuff Jas. Looking forward to seeing the paintwork you get up to. I love this plane. I don't have one yet but one day I'll pick one up. I admire you for setting your modelling goals! I'm going to try and leave the rattle cans alone this year and get comfortable with the AB. This one 1/72 Jas??
fumblethumbs said:
This one 1/72 Jas??

Nope, a little out of the ordinary (for me at least); 1:48.

Just working on the seams and filling right now.
Not much happened today, the seams and some of the deeper panel lines have been filled in and sanded. I added scratched details for an antenna mast, a mount for a loop antenna and the armoured glass behind the pilot. I'll finish up the loop antenna later tonight. The armour glass isn't correct but I think it close enough for this build. I hope to mask the cockpit glass and prime tomorrow night.

Jason (JMac)

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Good work Jason ,looks like quite a bit of filler needed in the top of the nose eh ! ,the wing root looks good :)

Thanks guys. :)

Not much happened today, :-\
All I managed was filling in a few more spots that I missed yesterday, and dipping the canopy in Future.

Jason (JMac)
Primed and first layer/colour of paint (RLM 76) applied. :) I love the Vallejo Model Air paints. :)

Jason (JMac)

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Looks good Jason , pre shade looks good too ;)

Looking good JMac. Wish I could get some Model Air bottles from my LHS. Looking forward to moving more towards Vallejo products.
Thanks Chris and Myke. This is mainly a fun painting practice build - so I'm glad it's turning out nice so far.

Myke said:
Looking good JMac. Wish I could get some Model Air bottles from my LHS. Looking forward to moving more towards Vallejo products.

Myke - I got my RLM paint set from Scott at Elm City Hobbies.
Had a chance to put some RLM 4 below on it tonight, things have been really busy this week. I'm going to let it sit 24 hours then mask the yellow as preparation to paint the RLM 75 upper surfaces and spots/splotches.


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Camo and gloss coat done. The RLM 74/75 scheme on the wings doesn't stand out as much as I'd have liked - I was following the (basic) painting instruction included with the kit. It has a little more contrast if viewed in person than in the pictures below. I've found that various sources give quite a range of shades for the RLM 75. For the Vallejo model air paints the RLM 75 is on the darker end of that range. That's ok, as it's a build to practice my skills on, and try out some new chops.

Next up decals, then weathering.

Quick question for you Vallejo guys; any special tips or tricks to airbrushing the 70.520 matt varnish? I'm all out of my favourite Testors dullcote in a can and I thought I'd try the 70.520. I've only brush applied (works fantastic) the 70.520 in the past.

Thanks for looking. Comments, corrections, suggestions, or good ole fashioned anecdotes welcome. :)


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This is looking sharp man. Very clean painting. You'll be scratching this one off the list pretty soon.

I'd like to know the answer to your Vallejo question too. I have a lot of issues spraying the Satin Varnish, so I imagine the matt isn't any easier or more friendly.

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