BF 109 G6 (Pegasus Hobbies 1:48)

Thanks Myke, thanks Fumblethumbs. The painting went really well, the decals for the nose not so much, they appear to be too large, I've got 5 out of the 7 on, and well the last two will need to go to Jenny Craig to fit.

I'll post the question regarding the Matt Varnish over in the painting area.

ShutterAce said:
Those Pegasus kits are good cheap fun aren't they? ;D

They are. This and the FW 190 are the third and forth Pegasus Hobbies kits I've tried. I really liked their Hurricane Mk1 kit. I'd like to build their Me 262 sometime, it'd be a fun decompression build. They have some really cool Sci-fi also (like the War of the Worlds Tripod).

It's kind of nice when a kit has less than 20 decals, ;D. I'm planning to do the panel lines next, then I'll try out Scott M suggestions for the Vallejo Matt Varnish (thin with a few drops of water if it needs it).,4911.0.html


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Thanks Bladerunner. I was just testing out and practicing free-hand painting Luftwaffe camp schemes with these builds.

Well it's done. The whole plane was painted with Vallejo Model Air, except for the metallic surfaces - they are Vallejo Model Color. Tried out the Vallejo Matt Varnish through the airbrush - worked great once I had everything all worked out from the tips I received from Scott M, as well as Ken and the other guys over in the Ketzer thread. Also I used Kens "floating the colour in" technique for the wheels/tires - my circle template wouldn't fit and I didn't feel like making a mask. Still trying to get a handle on weathering with artist oils> I've used them on the last couple builds and well I still need some more experience with them. I also used chalks and technical ink thinned with future for weathering.

Have to say I like the way this kit went together much better than the FW 190 from Pegasus. It's a fun little build, not big on details, but inexpensive and builds up into a fairly nice shaped one-OH-nine.

Thanks for taking a look. Comments always welcome.


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A couple more pictures - Thanks for taking a look.


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Thanks guys, means alot ;D ;D ;D.

ShutterAce said:
That's the best $10 you ever spent isn't it?

Close - I think the $10 beer I bought during my hike on the West Coast Trail still wins out :D

I think I've got to build up a few more of these quick build-n'-paint-fun kits in the near future - I'm a firm believer in "practice makes perfect - well incrementally better at least". The weathering with oils was only a marginal success, and I still want to try some thinned paint filter techniques (M.P. also posted a cool link about dot filtering). I should go by the LHS and see if they have that 262 in stock now...
Myke said:
What did you use for the exhaust?

Sorry Myke - forgot to add this to my last post - Vallejo Smoke (70.939). Normally I thin it alot, this time not so much and I had some problems running it through my Velocity airbrush - it spattered a bit.

Fantastic finish Jason !!! She's a stunner mate , you got the black/white done well round the nose ,and the underside looks great .....nice one ;)

Top job Jason. I can never see enough 1-OH-9's and 190's and you have turned out a couple of beauties. Nice work on these "cheap" kits. Looks like your freehand camo has been a success.
Thanks again John. I totally agree - the BF109 is one of those subjects I think almost every aircraft modeler wants to build. I'd actually like to build a few more 109s (and 190s also) - mainly in 1:72 although.
I know i am a bit late, but i just found this thread. That 109 looks terrific, and the scheme on it looks complicated to do, i am avoiding it for quite some time.


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