You're given the option of not installing the giant scope , but would the relief in the engine cowling be filled ?
I decided to include it since it's another oddity of this aircraft .
Anyone here seen another aircraft with a big-azz scope on the dash ?
You have to remove a fair amount of the clear plastic to accommodate it .
The fit is poor ( shock ! ) so the next step it to fill and re-scribe all the gaps .
One day soon I'll be able to get some paint on her .
Especially this mess up front :
I ordered some supplies from Scale Hobbyist last week ,
They were out of the Tamiya Extra Thin so I got another bottle of the
Plast-I-Weld ; hadn't had a bottle of it on the bench in years .
Easy bottle to knock over .

very easy -- so easy it prompted me to dust off the little safety cage I made for those slender bottles .
I think I saw somebody selling something similar , but for the Tamiya bottles which are wider than they are tall so I don't see the point .