More of a what-I-have-built than on the workbench but hey-ho I figure it'd fit.
It's a converted Blue Moon resin truck, with a bookshop on the back...

It features actual BUF publications in the racks... had a lot of trouble even finding a 28mm female without a firearm so ended up with this plastic one kindly doanted by a chap with a pile of plastic russians, the femmes being the ones he had little use for.

It's also has a hidden secret, which explains the overly large van best seen in this viddy;
It's for a game called 1938: A Very British Civil War based on the what-if of Edward VIII not abdicating but instead forming a government with the only man who'd led it the ghastly Oswald Moseley.
More Pics and blog blah;
It's a converted Blue Moon resin truck, with a bookshop on the back...

It features actual BUF publications in the racks... had a lot of trouble even finding a 28mm female without a firearm so ended up with this plastic one kindly doanted by a chap with a pile of plastic russians, the femmes being the ones he had little use for.

It's also has a hidden secret, which explains the overly large van best seen in this viddy;
It's for a game called 1938: A Very British Civil War based on the what-if of Edward VIII not abdicating but instead forming a government with the only man who'd led it the ghastly Oswald Moseley.
More Pics and blog blah;