Just a minute Erik i'll get right back to you bud.
Hog Dog take a look at the left side of the frame rear. This is the one they pulled out of the mud.
BTW you're not bothering me my man.
This one has an entirely different tow cable guide and the hole is where the winch control linkage comes through the frame and attaches to that handle.

Those German folks were modifying stuff every other day I guess,so hard to figure what's wrong and what's right. :
OK Erik
That was another thing I tried to find an answer to. On the kit the guide teeth are huge and got me to wondering if they were maybe hard rubber,rubber coated steel or all steel. I noticed the sprockets had rollers on the teeth which lead me to think they may have been rubber guides on the tracks.
I put out an APB on the subject but never got not one answer. I put some steel on the rollers and just a dry brushing on the track teeth to split the difference.
The tracks are easy to remove and reinstall so no problem correcting if they need some wear on the teeth and wheel rims.
I've got that AK Interactive Steel on the links and they tell me you can polish it to make it brighter. I was going to let the other AK stuff dry for a week or so before I try that polishing job to be safe.
You say don't get you wrong, now there's a joke, I love ya man ;D
OOB might be fun but trying to get things to a scale like finish is a lot of work bro.
Tony lee