Bunker Buster (Alternative WWII Tiger)


Acquainted with the idea of being sensible....
Jun 23, 2010
Over on http://www.scifimodels.org.uk/ we had a group build last year, the theme of which was an alternative kind of armour to what you normally see; it could also be a variation on an existing sci fi look if you so desired.

My take on the idea was a bipedal, heavy armoured and weaponed, prototype tank. The background story being that it was another crazy German scientist's expensive, massively delayed but perversely continued super weapon project, rushed into service as a last ditch effort to save Berlin from falling, meant that I could take serious artistic license with the design :).

The donor model parts on the Bunker Buster consist of the turret hatches, muzzle brake and engine deck from a dead 1/16 Heng Long rc Tiger 1 (it was a great toy till I dropped it :(...but now I have a rolling chassis to build a really cool Ma.K APC onto! ;)).

The turret is the bottom half from a small, cheapo pull-along vacuum cleaner, the lower engine body is scratch built as are the legs and side mounted weapon mounts using .75, .5, 1 and 2mm styrene. The Zimmerit look was achieved using acres of Milliput!

Anyway, enough waffle from me. Have some WIPs to look through. Here's the donor turret vacuum bit:

With bits added to build up the shape:
The engine section:

Start of the construction of the feet and legs:

The turret with a layer of air drying clay rolled to 3mm thickness overlaid, then impressed with hull details (some of which are not too good and need re-doing):

With the barrel:
I scratched a large rear equipment deck onto which will be added a couple of mg mounts and tons of gear as well. Hatches are also clear in this pic:

Jumping forward a bit, here are the legs mostly together and the engine section. You can see some of the interior detail. I scratched all the fuel tanks, radiators and cooling fans for the side bays and also a complete (Noddy variation of) Maybach engine. Not that you can it now as it's all closed up at the mo'. ::):

The small struts sticking out in places on the sides of the legs are for several armour plates to mount onto. All will be suitably dinged and dented eventually:

Okay, going to where this is at, finish-wise, at the present time, some WIPs of it with one of the side weapon mounts carefully blu tacked in place ;D:


Side view of the scratched Zwilling mount (all out of styrene card, tube and metal rod), under which are 6 Nebelwerfer launchers (made from 15mm plumbing pipe, copper wire and a few kit parts). There's an 8 launcher Nebelwerfer job that sits the other side of the turret as well.
There are some armour plates to go on the side of the turret, forward of the side mounts, as well as a larger one to go on the underside of the engine section.
View of the rear deck again:

Lots more to do to this beastie yet, details-wise, but it's nearly there. Had a brain burnout so I thought I'd leave it for a while and come back to it refreshed.
C+C welcome as always guys! Thanks for looking ;D
totally amazing! super-duper greatness! really like it. How big is it? What scale? can u take any reference pic for us to see? pliiiiiiiiiis! :)

Huge & excellent stuff. :)
Can't imagine what your display room is like, with models of that size.
BTW how's the AFS coming? Is it done?
Sorry for the late reply guys, not been staying up to date properly with my posts. ::)

Quaralane, thanks very much indeed for the feedback on this crazy build. When I started putting all the sections together and realised just how different the overall look was with the curved vacuum head I did wonder if it worked - but now I think it does and all the comments posted really encourage me to get back on with this.

ministuff, the model is 1/16 in scale so it stands roughly 24" or about 60cm tall. I plan on doing a street corner dio for it, with the gun being aimed through the bomb damaged side of the building into the next street. At 1/16 I'll be able to use a whole load of accessory stuff that's available to detail the whole thing, model and base.

JMac, the AFS is also on hold for a short while. I got to brain burnout stage with that one as well. I've got to the stage where I need to start doing the interior cockpit detailing, which includes setting up all the LEDs for the instrument display. I've also go a couple of bulbs and reflector dishes from a wind-up torch that will go into the helmet light mounting at the front. lots to do and still not too sure how to go about it. ::)

Got another small load of Milliput on order which will enable me to crack on with stuff like the interior padding and finishing off of parts of the legs. More on this soon, promise.

s'h'227, thanks my friend for the comment! Yep, definitely nuts, that's for sure. ;D ;D ;)

DK, thank you kindly, good sir. :)

Grendalls, Scott, Dano, ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Thanks guys!
Okay, finally got to spray a base coat for the camo onto this build yesterday, but it had been so long since I'd touched it that I had to do some fairly serious dusting off before I could :). Anyway some update WIPs for you, guys:




The armour plates are also sprayed up but all the other parts, such as the side weapon pods, exhaust system, hatches, power cables and hydraulic struts are yet to be done and attached.
Going to still do an Ambush style camo pattern, but possibly with the last remnants of a winter white-wash showing here and there. Still planning to do a dio for this but will need to buy a lot of resin to make the walls of the building it'll be standing next to.

Thanks for looking.
That looks great Noddy4000. Painted it's going look awesome.
Cheers guys for the cool feedback! Thanks very much. I always worry that my stuff stray instantly into the daft/not-very-good-idea zone.

So, more WIPs tomorrow as I've been putting the weapon pods together this evening. Got some touching up of the painting to do before the stand-off armour plates go on - and I think I'm going to need to make some extra struts to go on them too. Shouldn't take too long anyway (hopefully :-\) and then it'll be just the various armour plates, power cables and hydraulic struts etc to get attached and I'll be in the home straight! Phew...

Hopefully getting a whole new airbrush set-up in the next week or so, which means I'll be able to do a decent job of the camo etc.

More soon.
HELL'S YEAH ! This is off th Chain !! & Big !! This Kicks th AT-ST's A** any day ... Uh-Oh ... was that last statement Blasphemy ? OH Dear ... th Reprisals that may come of this from th Emperor !!!




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