Camcorder splitting files


Black Sheep 1

My Sony camcorder is splitting my files while filming.
How can I keep the camcorder from doing this?
All files no matter the video length? Or does it do it after a certain amount of time? I had an old Sanyo that would stop recording at around an hour and start a new clip. There was nothing that could be done about it. The flash memory card was in Fat32 format and Fat32 can't store file sizes larger than 4gb. So when the file size reached 4gb the camera started a new file. Fat32 is nice if you want to use a HD on both Mac and PC, but again there is a limit to the file size. Hope that helps some.
Yes it seems to do it after about 15 minutes.
I'll have to do some testing.
My Sony camera doesn't do that at all. I have had files close to an hour in length before.
Scott Girvan said:
Mine doesn't do that either.

What camera are you using Scott?

What I found out is that the Sony HDR-PJ260V creates a file of 2GB, when it fills it creates another one.
The files are about 10 minutes long on a 16GB SD card.
So what I'm wondering is if there's a way to seamlessly join them?

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