Took the Digi-Camcorder Plunge

Yeah, it is sharper isn't it. I rendered that video out at 360P. Thanks John, nice not to have to capture in real time. For now the post conversion isn't a pain. I can batch process all the files - I'll see how fast once I shoot an entire show. Still will be faster than capturing. Once I upgrade to Premiere 5.5 it's drag and drop directly from the camera.

For those who like the techie bits: I render to quicktime format (.mov) using H.264 codec with a bitrate of 650-700 kbps..for those interested. AAC audio, stereo, 48k 16bit.
The demo looks great to me. No issues here.

Scott Girvan said:
For those who like the techie bits: I render to quicktime format (.mov) using H.264 codec with a bitrate of 650-700 kbps..for those interested. AAC audio, stereo, 48k 16bit.

For those of us who don't really understand the diff between all these different standards I have one question. Why? Why do you use what you use? :)
Wow!!! I had no idea you were really that good looking Scott!!! ;D LOL!!! Camera looks great Dude!!!
Yeah, Scott, it looks great, and you can really see the difference the Wax paper diffuser makes.
I need to get me one so I can do some reviews, and WIP stuffs.
My prediction is that you get back to video making when it gets easier to do. If you can edit a video in under 10 minutes, it gets really easy to spend the time making one. That is about how long I take on my edits.
LOL - big fat head in

Why do I use what I use? far as render settings you mean? Trail and error and research. I've discovered that rendering to quicktime is youTube's favorite flavor. They re-encode everything to flash so the higher quality you can upload the better. The H.264 codec (compressor) yields great results without much quality loss. After tons of experimenting with quality settings, keyframes etc...I discovered (on a forum) that simply setting the bitrate is the way to go. It limits the amount of data per second. I set it at 650 kbps (kilo bits per second) and I get a really nice ratio between image quality and file size. The last SMA video was 31 minutes - rendered out at 340MB.

Oh and John, yes..I think I'll be taping alot more with this system however I still spend alot of time editing. That last 31 minute video - after all the footage was on the computer - took 3 hours to edit, one hour to render and about 3 hours to upload.

My next step is to try and achieve consistent lighting and move the camera. I really want to start to try to get better production values in the show. Way back when I started I spent alot of time setting up shots but I got away from that. I want to get back to that and then some. I also want to find a way to move the camera a bit. Perhaps Tristen (my son) can help me with a few shots...perhaps I can find a way to do it solo. I am adding several camera mounting points within the cave so I can quickly position the camera. An example would be to have the camera point straight down at the work surface. I have a neat DIY clamp mount that I'll show you when I get a chance. I went as far as to build a DIY jib crane (see pic) in season one, but with such a small room I had no place to use it. LOL.

Wow - that was a mouthful.

This isn't the one I made, but it's the idea.
Yep that's what I meant. I'm still trying to figure out what works best for me. John's right. When the editing takes a long time I kind of lose interest in the process. Thanks!
The last video I put up was 14 minutes. I spent less than 5 minutes editing. My computer took under 10 minutes to render, and the upload took 74 minutes. The file size was 449 MB.

I have an Icore 7 quad core processor running at 2.8 Ghz, with 8 Gb of memory.

I don't know the settings I am using. Just what my video editing software does. I am using it's YouTube upload feature.

With render times that fast, I bet it is not converting the cameras native file system over to something else. And from what I can find on the net, the software uses YouTubes recommended settings for formatting the files. I have noticed that when I am done uploading the file is almost always ready to play.

You cannot chose your file output type, but it does come with a bunch of presets.

I am in no way saying what I am using is the best. It works for me, and I know a few others here use the same product. It is a consumer grade product, not a professional grade product. Because of this it does have limitations. But also because of this, it is very easy to use and you can do a project pretty fast once you get use to it.
Grendels said:
The last video I put up was 14 minutes. I spent less than 5 minutes editing. My computer took under 10 minutes to render, and the upload took 74 minutes. The file size was 449 MB.

I have an Icore 7 quad core processor running at 2.8 Ghz, with 8 Gb of memory.

I don't know the settings I am using. Just what my video editing software does. I am using it's YouTube upload feature.

With render times that fast, I bet it is not converting the cameras native file system over to something else. And from what I can find on the net, the software uses YouTubes recommended settings for formatting the files. I have noticed that when I am done uploading the file is almost always ready to play.

You cannot chose your file output type, but it does come with a bunch of presets.

I am in no way saying what I am using is the best. It works for me, and I know a few others here use the same product. It is a consumer grade product, not a professional grade product. Because of this it does have limitations. But also because of this, it is very easy to use and you can do a project pretty fast once you get use to it.

I have the same one. I bought it based on your recommendation. I'm just not proficient with it yet.
Shutterace: Once I have the first video in a series done, I use it as a template for the rest that follow.

Here is what I mean:

When I go to make the second video, I load up the first video project and just delete the video tracks. Add the new video tracks, change the title and then add the new transitions, and re adjust the length of the music to fit.

The first video takes a bit more time, but the ones that follow are pretty fast!

I also index all videos right when I pull them from the camera so I know what video clip goes with which story I am working on at the moment. This way when I go to make a video, I know which clips go where by checking my notes. I don't have to play though the videos while I edit.
My computer specs are similar. i7 quad core 2.8 - 16 mb of ram, 2 terabyte drives (one system one dedicated to video). I also have a nvidia video card with 1 gb of onboard ram powering dual 21" monitors.

I enjoy the editing process. It can be really creative if given enough elements to work with. In the future you can expect more than just a fixed camera pointed at my head. :)
Nice Camera Scott! I got the Sony that looks just the same... The Test Video looked Awesome! Clearer than before! I jump from Standard HD to HD now and then.... It makes a big difference in Files size! But sometimes it's for the better!

We don't all need 1080p all the time! And not everybody can afford the bandwidth anyway!

I can't wait to see the making of SMA.... I like the idea of multiple cam mounts....

My Tripod is a monster and is in my way! I like the Crane Idea but like you! Where to put it?

Keep up the good work!

What about you shooting a video like the old days?

Norm. Out!
Grendels said:
Sounds too much like me.....

Me too lately...well for that past year at least.

schweinhund227 said:
We don't all need 1080p all the time! And not everybody can afford the bandwidth anyway!

Yeah, I don't plan to do SMA in HD. File sizes are too big, my upload connection is too slow.

schweinhund227 said:
What about you shooting a video like the old days?
I want to get back to having more shots and move the camera again. As you can see from the last 2 'show' videos, SMA is evolving into a sort of video magazine format where I host and once in a while have build video. The days of me spending 40 hours a week building and taping everything have gone the way of the dinosaur.

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