Canadian Army LAV-III (Trumpeter 1/35 kit w. Black Dog stowage set)

Also, something like the Cougar/Grizzly/Husky, is what is considered a LAV I or AVGP. One of the designs the CF is looking as replacements for the LAVIII is the LAV V series......not sure what happened to the LAV IV.

Another they are looking at is the LAV H

Built off of the LAV III chassis.

There is/was actually a 10 wheel version of the LAVIII as well. Would be cool to do a conversion if it!

Carsenault said:
Hey Scott M, what vehicles are Malley competing for?

Not 100% sure, but I thought it was a contract to assemble a US Vehicle.

Quote from the Time & Transcript

They recently signed a memorandum of understanding with Force Protection Industries of South Carolina to provide final assembly of the Timberwolf. Force Protection is hoping to win the contract with the federal government for the armoured vehicles and if the deal goes through, it could mean about 120 jobs at the Malley Industries plant near the Greater Moncton International Airport.

It would also mean that Malley would be sourcing the hundreds of parts and components needed to build the vehicle. The company would look to New Brunswick companies first to source steel components, wheels and tires, electronics, paint and everything else needed to build the vehicle, so the spinoff benefits could prove significant.

Based on the Cougar platform.




Apparently it was designed in Canada, but the contract is for US vehicles or something like that, however Canada is also looking at buying them as well....mind you with us pulled out of the sandbox now....might not happen.

Suppose he would let us take one out for a test drive?? LOL
details look great on this. I especially like the back hatch details. Great work man!

Wish mine had a spoiler. :-[ ;)
Sorry for the slow updates, just getting back in the groove following the holidays. Ill take a few pics tomorrow. I laid down a coat of Mr Surfacer 1000 primer today after fitting all the stowage bits. Before I started with the primer however, i used some bits of Tamiya tape to mask off some attachment points. I will paint the stowage bits separately. Still looking for some decent references on how to paint all the add on gear.
As promised, heres a long overdue build update...

Started off yesterday by priming the whole kit and aftermarket set using thinned Mr. Surfacer 1000 airbrushed with a medium nozzle at about 15 psi (in hindsight, i could have used the fine tip/needle). After it was dry to the touch I started with a preshade of MM Dark Green (fs 34079) along the panel joints and all nooks and crannies. Then this morning I used Humbrol 86 Light Olive Green to fill in the bare spaces between the preshading, then an overall coat of the light olive green to blend it all in. I noticed in the last picture a spot I missed, Ill have to touch that up.








For the stowage gear, over the same primer I used the dark green as a base coat. then today I went in with the light olive and did some post shading on some items. gonna pick out a few things later to paint in different shades before I start some drybrushing and detail painting.
Nice build!
One question!

Why did you stay away from the NATO green? Tamiya makes a great color! Which is very close if not dead on the Color we use on most of our vehicles now!

Enjoy your are almost at the finish line!
schweinhund227 said:
Nice build!
One question!

Why did you stay away from the NATO green? Tamiya makes a great color! Which is very close if not dead on the Color we use on most of our vehicles now!

Enjoy your are almost at the finish line!


I actually have a un-opened bottle of Tamiya Nato Green, I thought it may have been ok for the LAV, I actually bought it to use with my Leo 2A6M and M1A1 Abrams. I couldnt find any direct reference to Nato green being used on the LAs. The IPMS Canada site lists a color close to FS 34082, I compared that to a few colors I had and the Humbrol olive green was very close, plus it matches up with the MM color listed on the instructions, 1713.
Ill give the paint a few days to cure and Ill use the nato green as the final mist coat. Thanks for the tip.
More pics, I took schweinhund227's advice and did a top coat of Tamiya NATO green, it was a very close match to the Humbrol lt olive, just a little better saturation. Over that I did soem post shading of a faded olive green mix I made (approx 50/50 mix of nato green and tamiya dark yellow) and us that to post shade the panels a bit as well as the stowage gear. I did several passes over the canvas covers on the resin turret baskets. I then used what was left to drybrush high lights on the hull and turret. I used the dark yellow to drybrush highlights on the stowage bags, tarps and basket covers I liek the result. The effect is a lot more subtle to the naked eye, the camera seems to pick out the pre-shading too much. So I took some pics with and without the flash. Note, the color without the flash is closer to how it looks in real life,







