'Close Contact' Diorama (WIP)

Great work,,luv'n the details,, :) thanx for the Q&A on the trashbags, great method.. :)
I have been working on the figures for some weeks now, on and off, when the time permits. It has not been easy as I have re-done camo paints many times over. I now have immense respect for figure builders. It is the most difficult form of modeling that I know of. Getting the right skin tone is still an issue for me, as well camo painting. But I will get there one way or the other. It will take time. I have read many articles and continue to study the different variations one can achieve. But I am not going to compete with figure builders just as long my figures do not look like a 3rd grader painted them, I am fine.

So here is the results of my attempts at getting this camo painting job to look right. So far I am OK with the results after several weeks of trying to get it right. I still have four more USMC figures to do. More sweat and tears but the battle continues... I still have more details to add to the actual diorama.
















Perfectisimo! The GI's camo patterns are coming along very well Tiking, looking spot on, I like it! Great work buddy.

Cheers, Ski.
Steve Ski said:
Perfectisimo! The GI's camo patterns are coming along very well Tiking, looking spot on, I like it! Great work buddy.

Cheers, Ski.

Thanks Ski. Really nice coming from you. I do appreciate it.
Hey Ski i had sent u a message regarding this question but i guess u are busy. Maybe someone else can help. How to get the faded look on uniforms? I am trying to blend the 3 camo patterns to look faded so they can blend in together. I find it difficult.

Also, What color pigment to use to dust the figures?
Well, things have been progressing slowly as you all know. Less time for building due to everything around the family. But I do a little each time I get a chance. Here are some pics of the roof details and little additions I have added so far. Made some water tanks and piping taken from my box of tricks. The concrete support blocks were made from the same pink material, Styrofoam

Remember, I am trying to do everything on a budget without putting holes in my pockets. I added a small generator from odd pieces from my bag of tricks. AS long as it looks the part, I am fine with it. Not a huge difference but details none-the-less. Will be doing some painting and refining of the details as I go along. I also added electrical cables around the building in a some-what sloppy manner as I was told this is common over there. More details still to come. A couple more Satellite dishes and what-nots.

I have just bought another set of USMC soldiers and awaiting Tamiya paints. I lost the right arm of Blast resin figured I had already painted. It got lost in the snow. Could not find it since then. So, here we go again for another round of painting figures. DAMN!!! I'm getting tired of this.

Oh well. So sorry if you were expecting my next update to be figures but these things happen, for some, more often than others. More weathering on the facade will be in order as well.


















Decided to repaint the cargo bay of the pickup, white and added extra armor to the sides to make it more interesting:


Awesome, it's all coming together very nicely!!

Cheers, Ski.

P.S. Camo pattern on the GI's are looking good too, btw.
Ok, please stop lying to us all.
You have one of those machines from 'honey I shrunk the kids' don't you.

If not then you sir have some truly outstanding skills and my jealously is epic
You are roo kind but the real master here is Steve Ski. His work inspires me to death. But it is good to hear such inspirational words from a fellow modeller. Thank you sir.
yogurt said:
Fantastic work!

How do you build the advertisement sign?

Sorry for the late reply. I just saved pics of the internet and reduced them in photoshop to the desired size.
wow. tiking, you did an excellent job. seriously, the detail is amazing. keep up the great work. its inspiring.
It has been a whike fellows. Things have been going slow as I have been busy with work and my family. Also, I had not been so impress with the US paint job on the uniforms. So, I have renamed the dio and will discard the US figures altogether until I am satisfied with the results of my camo painting.I just do not want to bring the dio down just because the camo looks like a 3-year old had painted them. I am a somewhat of a perfectionist, in a way. Not to say that the insurgent figures are any better but they do not crave the complex camo design as that of the US figures do. I will add them eventually when I am totally satisfied with the results.
I have added a couple more details to the building and added a third insurgent figure and a kid. The new name of the dio will be called, '...around the corner'. Unfortunately it will be the insurgents that get the spot- lights on this dio. I have also decided to remove the pickup vehicle and replaced it with Diopark's new mercedes civilian car. I will be adding garbage bins, street lights and few other details. Will post pics shortly. Thanks for all the great support fellows. I do appreciate it

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