'Close Contact' Diorama (WIP)

Ok, here are pics of the diorama, which name has been changed to "...around the corner". The dio is pretty much done for the exception of one more figure to be added. The last figure will be a boy pointing to the corner of the building, alerting the insurgents that they( us troops) are coming around the corner. I am in the process of painting the figure, so will add that when it is completed and will post the pics.

As you can see there have been some changes and addition to the diorama. As mentioned in my previous post, the insurgents get the spotlight for this diorama. As I was not completly happy with the outcome of the US camo, I decided to put it aside until such time I can improve on it. So, I hope you can still find it in your heart to like the dio, regardless of the sudden change.

As you can see, the pick-up truck has been replaced with the new mecedes from Diopark. Not a bad kit. A big plus with this kit, is that the doors can be closed or open in real-time. That's right. You can have the option to keep it shut or if you so desire you can open them on demand. Two thumbs up for this little addition. The downside is, it is not so easy to put together ans glue the part that makes this to work. Not a kit for the beginner, I can tell you that. Lots of mistakes and mishaps trying to get the doors to work perfectly. Unfortunately I only succeeded having one door work( the passenge side) The rest were glue into their respective position. Als ogot to mention that you need lots of patience, something I am striving to maintain.

The next addition is the concrete canopy on the right. I simply used a piece of pink styroform and glued it in place and painted it a concrete color. No biggy there. I also added another canopy made of corrugated material. Made the bracing of some pieces of white styrene and glued that in place after painting it blue. I think the variation of these two objects adds a little spice to the dio.

I added a small sign which I took off the internet. That is in fact a pic of a real sign that one of the US soldiers were posting up. I just downloaded it and re-sized it in photoshop. I thought it was a cool sign.

As you can see I added another satilite dish and a mast for a antannae array on the top of the building. I was given a pic which showed many of these on one building alone but decided to limit the amount as I did not want to risk cluttering the diorama.

I added another insurgent figure from Blast models. I hand bought it and saved it for a rainy day. I guess that rainy day came.

I included MIG street lights, which are pretty good. I also went ahead and bought a dumspter to place the garbage in it at the side of the building. All resin and are pretty good products. I thought it added life and variation. Variation is the key. But you all know that already.

Anyways, enjoy the pics and thanks for being patience and giving me tips to finally ( almost) bringing this project to a close.

Lots of pics!!!!

Great work. The cement texture looks great! The details are on point as well. You may want to try taking photos without the figures (if they are not glued down) as a test. I've noticed in my experience, models without figures in photos look way more real. But if thats not you goal its cool also :) Great great work!
Finally added the US figures. Again. I am no figure builder. I still need lots of practice but I had to add them to give the dio a more atmospheric ambience.






Yup, this is great. Outdoor lighting always helps. The wiring really stands out for me. Those are great details.
Great additions Tiking! That trash looks pretty dang real as well as the barrels, added figures, very well done! Awesome work buddy!!

Cheers, Ski.
WOW! This is just breath takin...amazin work on the realism!
TOP JOB....cheers for sharin this build
peza :eek:

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