Re: CMP C15TA Armored Ambulance.
Thanks a lot guys
Im having trouble with photobucket today

so some of my pics may not show ,but Im trying to sort it .
I got started on the interior over the weekend
I decided to leave the firewall/bulkhead in place ,after thinking about it ,it was going to be too messy trying to fit it after paint ,I also didnt fancy trying to line up the big doghouse after either !! ...So ,I moved on ,fitted the etch pedals ,and a few other bits ,side pockets ..etc then fitted the doghouse and scratched up a map pocket for the back of it from some scrap PE fret . ,justt behind the doghouse two gearbox access hatches are placed on the floor ,still need to fit the gear levers & handbrake ,the do the window fittings .
Then I moved on with some of the exterior fittings ,I made up the four Guards and put them in place ,followed by the front Top panel ,slats ,and lower chin . I will need a tiny smidge of filler on the corners of the top front panel and the joins in the Guards ,but thats no biggy . Did a dry fit of the roof too

...well have to ,dont ya ???
While the guards and stuff were drying ,I thought I'd break out the AB for the chassis & engine

.Im playing with the Vallejo Model Air range on this build ,As most of you know I prefer to use enamels ,but Im doing a paint demo next month and its in a hotel ,dont think they would be keen on my smelly paints Im getting a bit of practice in with the acrylics ....not to bad to work with actually ,I can see me using them a bit more often ?? ...maybe .
Anyhoo , the Engine got a dark brown base ,then some Russian green (which looked quite close to the ref pics I have ) ,I added a drop of white to the green to further fade the top a bit .
The it was time for the chassis to get a slappin

,same again ,Dark brown base ,then OD , and again the OD was then lightened with white and sprayed from top down to add some patchy fading .
I know you wont see any of this when its finished ,but I enjoy working on chassis & engines there
Next up ....Chassis & engine get detail painting ,washes , chips,rust,oil,mud,dust ...etc .
The body gets ...More Bling !!
Thanks for looking.